GShell 0.2.7 − しじみ72個分のちから



基盤:永谷園で見る… いえ、70個分のようです。







基盤:No.1 と No.3 の違いがわからないです。



開発:内部的に Shift_JIS だったりするのかな。




















* * *


社長:これは x が来ると、それ以前にあった文字列を数を表す日本語文字列として解釈して算数字に置換するということですね?


開発:そういう実装もありえますが、ここでは辞書のちからを利用して「nanajuunix > 72」というマッチングをしています。


開発:まず数字キーが表示されないスマホのキーボードでは有用です。リアルタイム翻訳も兼ねます。nanajuuni / 72 / ななじゅうに / 七十二 / seventy two を互いにイケイケにするのです。


基盤:x は小さいかなを出すのにも使われてますよね。

開発:xa, xi, xu, xe, xo, xy だけですね。このケースは xk だから被らない。それに、混同するようなら x を打つタイミングというか、前後との時間間隔で峻別すれば良いと思います。誤解されたら BS で取り消せば良いだけです。

社長:xx でもいいんじゃないでしょうか。というか、x の次は沢山空いてますね。

基盤:xx だと16進、xd なら10進に変換するとか。

開発:さすがにそこまで辞書化するのはどうかと思いますので、x が来たらアルゴリズム的にマッチすることになるでしょうね。


開発:あとは、力 / ちからの切り替えを q でやっています。[ chikara > ちから > 力 ] という2段の変換ではなく、あくまでも [ chikara > 力 ] と [ chikaraq > ちから ]という対等な力関係です。

社長:複数読みがあるときは q qq qqq ... とすると。

開発:q q2 q3 ... でも良いかもしれません。

基盤:で、使用頻度に応じて辞書の中で q の数の割当てを変えると。

開発:なんにしても、 q はアルファベットのキーボードで唯一日本語入力に使用されていない聖地なわけです。

基盤:qu く、qi くぃ、… だったりしますけどね。IME依存ですけど。



開発:なんにしても q は、文節の明示的な区切りと、候補選択機能を実現する、GShellにとって重要なキーだと思います。


基盤:候補選択を q 連続打ちでやるのはちょっとつらいかもですね。qj、qjj、qjjj、… なんてのはどうでしょうか?で、qjjk とかやると、qj と同じになる。




* * *



基盤:所要 K x 141TB程度ですかね。





開発:常用漢字が 2136字、読みが音訓で4388みたいですね。これを使ってローマ字表記にして、辞書に突っ込む。

基盤:ああ、2010年の改訂で「十 - 備考欄に〈「ジュッ」とも。〉と注記。」とありますね。




社長:Google IME から本体の辞書をもらえませんかね?











開発:とりあえず「現代書き言葉UniDicダウンロードしてみます。GPL / LGPL / BSD License ...









* * *

社長:そういえば、vi では ~ で大文字小文字変換ができるわけで、これは GShell IME でもやりたいですね。

開発:vi の場合、入力モードと閲覧モードがわかれてるので、そのあたりのキー割り当てに余裕がありますよね。GShell の入力にも閲覧モードというのを入れたいという話でしたが。

基盤:閲覧モードに入ったら hjkl で移動できるとか楽ちんでいいんじゃないですかね。

社長:IMEで閲覧モードは面白いと思います。/ とか : コマンドとかも使える。てかそれ、既に gsh.go の TODO に書いてありますが。

開発:vi 互換にしますかね。ESC で閲覧モードへ...

開発:こんな感じでどうでしょうね?閲覧モードではhl を下上左右と解釈します。


開発:x で一文字削除。


開発:i と a で入力モードに移行する。


開発:そして、~ で大文字小文字反転。



社長:vi 使いには伝わるでしょう (^-^)/ GShell史上最大の快挙です。





開発:あとは / と ? でヒストリ検索とかですかね。: で色々コマンドとか。


社長:うーん、GShell にとって、これはまさに one giant leap だったと思います。飲みに行きたい... けれど今日はボウリングの試合があるんだな。



-- 2020-0831 SatoxITS (^-^)/

/* GShell-0.2.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.7 // 2020-08-31 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.7" DATE = "2020-08-31" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "sijimi": dicName = "SijimiDic" dicURL = SijimiDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 GO_DOWN = 251 GO_RIGHT = 250 GO_LEFT = 249 DEL_RIGHT = 248 ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 // to be obtained by ioctl? var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_EditMode bool // vi compatible mode MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if MODE_EditMode { }else if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if MODE_EditMode { inveri = ":" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; MODE_ShowMode = false iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } if ch == 033 { MODE_ShowMode = true MODE_EditMode = !MODE_EditMode iin.Redraw(); continue } if MODE_EditMode { switch ch { case 'j': ch = GO_DOWN case 'k': ch = GO_UP case 'h': ch = GO_LEFT case 'l': ch = GO_RIGHT case 'x': ch = DEL_RIGHT case 'a': MODE_EditMode = !MODE_EditMode ch = GO_RIGHT case 'i': MODE_EditMode = !MODE_EditMode iin.Redraw(); continue case '~': right,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) if len([]byte(head)) == 1 { ch = int(head[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.right = string(ch) + right } iin.Redraw(); continue } } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var SijimiDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTaGlqaW1pXHMvL1xzMjAyMC0wODMw"+ "CnNpCeOBlwpzaGkJ44GXCmppCeOBmAptaQnjgb8KbmEJ44GqCmp1CeOBmOOChQp4eXUJ44KF"+ "CnUJ44GGCm5pCeOBqwprbwnjgZMKYnUJ44G2Cm5uCeOCkwpubwnjga4KY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnj"+ "gaEKa2EJ44GLCnJhCeOCiQosLAnjgIEKLi4J44CCCnhuYW5hCeS4gwp4anV1CeWNgQp4bmkJ"+ "5LqMCmtveAnlgIsKa29xCeWAiwprb3gJ5YCLCm5hbmFqdXVuaXgJNzIKbmFuYWp1dW5peHgJ"+ "77yX77ySCm5hbmFqdXVuaVgJ77yX77ySCuS4g+WNgeS6jHgJNzIKa29idW5uCeWAi+WIhgp0"+ "aWthcmFxCeOBoeOBi+OCiQp0aWthcmEJ5YqbCmNoaWthcmEJ5YqbCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg=" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

GShell 0.2.6 − 私の名前は中野です


社長:乗りかかった船でもあるので、GShell IMEの件はもう少しキリの良いところまで進めて置きたいですね。

開発:昨日の入力リプレイ機能は、自分の本業系の脳機能を使ったので少し疲れたように思います。IME の件と比べると、with fun が弱い。


基盤:MS あたりの造語ですかね?

開発:それ以前はパソコンで松 vs 一太郎の時代でしたね。PC98で。


開発:最初は5インチフロッピーで、最後は3.5インチになりましたね。そうこうするうちにパソコン端末時代が終わってUnixワークステーション時代になり、Wnn になり、Canna もでてきた。

社長:Cannaの中の人たちとはOnew MLの関係で1994年か95年に東京でオフミをやりました。みなさんどうしてますかね。


* * *

開発:さて、それで Wnn と言えば「わたしのなまえはなかのです」なわけです。ちょっと未来から来ました。最初に、下で色々検討する方式の、目指すところ、結論を示したいと思います。自動表示変換モード(¥j)+手動書き換え(¥i)でやります。



開発:なにせ、人間は変換用の指示は何も出しておらず、単にローマ字表記の列をべた入力している。随時、GShell IME は入力を変換して表示している。それだけです。



* * *


開発:!2 から表示だけ変換、オリジナルの文字列は変えないモードに入っています。!3,4,5 はヒストリ機能というか上向き矢印で!2のコマンド行を呼び出して手動で「追加変換」をしています。














開発:ローマ字レベルで内部表現を訓令式に正規化してしまうという手はあるとは思います。なんにしても、「 chikara || tikara > 力」というような重複した辞書を持つものはいかがなものかと。まあ、ローマ字読み状態も保持したいと思うと、これも致し方ないとは思いますが。

社長:そういう意味で、ひらがな表記の辞書だと、ひらがな段階で正規化されるわけですね。「chi ka ra || ti ka ra > ち か ら > 力」という。


開発:そうですね… ただ、多段方式での変換には、ひらがな表記にした段階で一旦「確定する」という機能というか効能もあるわけです。たとえば「ち」という1つの文字に確定できる。これを「ti」や「chi」の状態で残しておくと、入力済の部分にカーソル移動したときに「t | i > tい」とか「c | hi > cひ」とか「ch | i > chい」とか、面白いけどうざいことになるわけです。





社長:ともかく、「世界辞書」で変換が気持ち良いのは、「se > せ」「 ka > か」「i > い」 とは別に「sekai > 世界」 とい入力が定義されていて、s、せ、せk、せか、から直に 世界に変わってくれるからだと思います。一旦「せかい」になってから「世界」へという段階が無いのが気持ち良い。

基盤:「echo > えcほ || えちょ」にならないように、「echo > echo」という定義もあると良いと思います。

社長:「echo > エコー || おうむがえし」という定義もあって、どっちか選ぶというのも良いかもですね。まあコマンド入力の先頭に出てくるのは echo に決まってますから、文脈で決めれば良いことですが。

基盤:「エコー」とか「おうむがえし」という日本語のコマンドがあっても悪くないですよね。そもそも内部的に echo という文字列が保持されてるなら、一貫して echo なんでしょうけど。











開発:ちょっとやってみたんですが、やはり難関は「すもももももももものうち」かなと思うんです。これは人間にしか切れ目がわからない。Google IMEにはこれが一つの語として登録されていて一発変換できるわけですが、それはある意味ズルです。そもそもそれなら、「すももも > すももも桃も桃の内」って入れときたいくらいです。これを実直なMS の IME で一括変換しようとすると、ひどいことになる。単語、文節毎に確定して行くほうがずっとよいわけです。ここをなんとか、なめらかに入力できないだろうかと。


* * *











* * *

社長:ところで思ったんですが、入力列を replay するときに実際のスピードで再生するだけでなく、早送りとか、おそ回しとか、定間隔にしちゃうとかいうオプションあると、面白いんじゃないですかね。






* * *


開発:それが、昨日リクエストのあった、replay時に変換モードを再現する件を実装したのですが、そこで考え事を。これは当然、モード情報を特殊な、イベントの一種として送ってやるのが自然だと思います。バイト列というかオクテットストリームのインバウンドで。で、どういう形式にしようかと。自然と 0xFF で始まるバイト列になったわけです。で、ふとこれは、前に見た事があるなと。そう、Telnet プロトコルですよ。

社長:なるほど… Telnetに合わせておけば、GShellをデータストリーム中継型のリモートシェルとして使う時に、環境変数とか端末情報の伝達がそのまま使えますね。



開発:バイナリデータはどの道化けるとは思うんですが、UTF-8で無いのが嫌だなと思ったわけです。なので、Telnet のパケットを UTF-8でエンコードしてはどうかと。




開発:ISO-2022 コードも使えるかもですねw

社長:実際私は MIMEで、文字コード切り替えコードを続けて送って状態伝達をする方法を提案したりしてました。






開発:そのへんは、GShellがHTTPサーバになって、HTTPでブラウザに表示すれば良いかなとも思っていたのですが… まあ変換の候補を表示するには専用のポップアップ的ウィンドウがあったほうが良いとは思います。でもANSIシーケンスでウィンドウもどきを端末に表示するのも面白いかなと。



* * *





* * *










-- 2020-0830 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.6 // 2020-08-30 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.6" DATE = "2020-08-30" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic" || cmd == "d": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo" || cmd == "e": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(argv) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp" || cmd == "nlsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var silent = false var dump = false var builtin = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-b": builtin = true case "-d": debug = true case "-s": silent = true case "-v": info = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] dicName = arg argv = argv[1:] } if 0 < len(argv) { dicURL = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { //dicType := "" dicBody := "" if !builtin && dicName != "" && dicURL == "" { f,err := os.Open(dicName) if err == nil { dicURL = dicName }else{ f,err = os.Open(dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = dicName+".html" }else{ f,err = os.Open("gshdic-"+dicName+".html") if err == nil { dicURL = "gshdic-"+dicName+".html" } } } if err == nil { var buf = make([]byte,128*1024) count,err := f.Read(buf) f.Close() if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- ReadDic(%v,%v)\n",count,err) } dicBody = string(buf[0:count]) } } if dicBody == "" { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n", dicName); } case "wnn": dicName = "WnnDic" dicURL = WnnDic case "sumomo": dicName = "SumomoDic" dicURL = SumomoDic case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) dicBody = string(body) } if info { fmt.Printf("--Id-- %v %v\n",dicName,dicURL) fmt.Printf("%s\n",dicBody) } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- dicName %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(dicBody)) } entv := strings.Split(dicBody,"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if !silent { url := dicURL if strBegins(url,"data:") { url = "builtin" } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total (%v)\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan),url); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history // should be compatilbe with Telnet const ( EV_MODE = 255 EV_IDLE = 254 EV_TIMEOUT = 253 GO_UP = 252 GO_DOWN = 251 GO_RIGHT = 250 GO_LEFT = 249 DEL_RIGHT = 248 ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 tempo := 1.0 xtempo := 1.0 repeat := 1 for _,a := range argv { // tempo if strBegins(a,"x") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%f",&xtempo) tempo = 1 / xtempo //fprintf(stderr,"--Dr-- tempo=[%v]%v\n",a[2:],tempo); }else if strBegins(a,"r") { // repeat fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%v",&repeat) }else if strBegins(a,"!") { fmt.Sscanf(a[1:],"%d",&hix) }else{ fmt.Sscanf(a,"%d",&hix) } } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v x%v r%v)\n",hix,xtempo,repeat) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false,repeat,tempo,argv) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true,repeat,tempo,argv) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ READ1: readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ if buf[0] == EV_MODE { recvEvent(fd) goto READ1 } return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") case EV_MODE: return fmt.Sprintf("MODE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func recvEvent(fd int){ var buf = make([]byte,1) _,_ = syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( buf[0] != 0 ){ romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool,repeat int,tempo float64,argv[]string){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for r := 0; r < repeat; r++ { for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) if e.event == EV_MODE { // event with arg putEvent(int(e.evarg),0) } } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { d := time.Duration(float64(time.Duration(e.evarg)) * tempo) //nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) nsleep(d) } } } } func dumpEvents(arg[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(arg) { fmt.Sscanf(arg[1],"%d",&hix) } for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool MODE_Recursive bool // recursive translation MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; iin.Redraw(); first := true for cix := 0; ; cix++ { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT && first { first = false mode := 0 if romkanmode { mode = 1 } now := time.Now() Events = append(Events,Event{now,EV_MODE,int64(mode),CmdIndex}) } //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else /* if( ch == 'm' || ch == 'M' ){ mch := fgetcTimeout(stdin,1000*1000) if mch == 'r' { romkanmode = true }else{ romkanmode = false } continue }else */ if( ch == 'k' || ch == 'K' ){ MODE_Recursive = !MODE_Recursive iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var WnnDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL2Rp"+ "Y3ZlcglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNXbm5ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "R1NoZWxsCUdTaGVsbArjgo/jgZ/jgZcJ56eBCndhdGFzaGkJ56eBCndhdGFzaQnnp4EK44Gq"+ "44G+44GICeWQjeWJjQpuYW1hZQnlkI3liY0K44Gq44GL44GuCeS4remHjgpuYWthbm8J5Lit"+ "6YeOCndhCeOCjwp0YQnjgZ8Kc2kJ44GXCnNoaQnjgZcKbm8J44GuCm5hCeOBqgptYQnjgb4K"+ "ZQnjgYgKaGEJ44GvCm5hCeOBqgprYQnjgYsKbm8J44GuCmRlCeOBpwpzdQnjgZkKZVxzCWVj"+ "aG8KZGljCWRpYwplY2hvCWVjaG8KcmVwbGF5CXJlcGxheQpyZXBlYXQJcmVwZWF0CmR0CWRh"+ "dGVccysnJVklbSVkLSVIOiVNOiVTJwp0aW9uCXRpb24KJXQJJXQJLy8gdG8gYmUgYW4gYWN0"+ "aW9uCjwvdGV4dGFyZWE+Cg==" // var SumomoDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "PG1ldGEgY2hhcnNldD0iVVRGLTgiPgo8dGV4dGFyZWEgY29scz04MCByb3dzPTQwPgovL3Zl"+ "cglHU2hlbGxcc0lNRVxzZGljdGlvbmFyeVxzZm9yXHNTdW1vbW9ccy8vXHMyMDIwLTA4MzAK"+ "c3UJ44GZCm1vCeOCggpubwnjga4KdQnjgYYKY2hpCeOBoQp0aQnjgaEKdWNoaQnlhoUKdXRp"+ "CeWGhQpzdW1vbW8J44GZ44KC44KCCnN1bW9tb21vCeOBmeOCguOCguOCggptb21vCeahgwpt"+ "b21vbW8J5qGD44KCCiwsCeOAgQouLgnjgIIKPC90ZXh0YXJlYT4K" // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

GShell 0.2.5 − 電子署名付きHTML

開発:さて今日は、昨日やりかけて終わった、JavaScript で Go のプログラムを生成する件で行こうかと思いますが。

社長:緊急動議。HTMLとかPNGに電子署名する話が着手されてないですね。GShellでやってみると良いのでは。この機能は、あればすぐに使いたいものです。gsh.go.html を公開する上でも。


基盤:緊急動議。GShellでレンタルサーバにHTTPの口からログインしたいです。SSHがかかったるいし。やりたいのはGShellで既に出来ている遠隔exec、実際単なるtail -f だからです。



* * *

社長:ひーはー… 帰りました。









開発:さっそくチンしましょう。90度で5分30秒くらいかな… レンジでGo!






開発:出来ました。どれどれ… あちっ、あちち。これしばらく触れないんですよね… やれ剥けました。






* * *






社長:イベントレコーダーです。発生したイベントを時系列で記憶しておく。再生もできる。まあとりあえずキーロガーで良いです。たとえばGShell IMEでの入力操作を再生できたら見た目に面白いんじゃないかと思います。

開発:script コマンドは欲しいと思ってましたが、それの特殊系のようなものですね。



開発:文字列の中に ¥b みたいな機能コードを表現できますが、あれに「指定時間遅延をする」という抽象的なコードを入れると良さそうですね。



基盤:タイミングは usleep コマンドで作ればいいんじゃないですかね。


開発:実例をやってみせて学習させる式のプログラミングみたいのがありましたよね。なんちゃら by example とか by demonstration とか。

社長:GShell にもそういう感じの機能があると面白いですね。

開発:GShell+unfs3 で Automatorみたいなのは作りたいですね。

* * *















* * *

経理:7月ぶんの年貢を納めようと思って、PayB でピッとしようとスマホのカメラを向けたら、バーコードが無い事に気が付きました。






















基盤:ssh-agent 的な感じですかね。


社長:ああそれは DeleGate でもやってました。GShellの場合、ブラウザからJavaScript でgsh.goを生成する時に埋め込めると便利だと思います。でバイナリをbuildしてソースは消す。



* * *


開発: 起動するのにパスワードが必要なGShellっていうのも面白いとは思いますが。



開発:それにしてもこれ、イベントをつかまえるというなら、tty の read じゃなくてキーのイベントを捕まえたいですね。そうすればもっと分解した単位で捕まえられると思うのですが。stty -echo -icanon なんて外部コマンドでやっているのも内心忸怩たる思いもあり。




開発:えーと、キー入力の時刻とキーをイベントの可変長配列に追加していくと。こういうとこがGoはCより簡単で便利なんですよね。安全だし。性能的にはどうか知りませんが。で、イベントをダンプする。time.Time からナノ秒を取り出すには… … ああ、まんまNanosecond() ってのがありますね。



社長:再生は!コマンドと同じようにやると良いかもですね。!1-2 とかすると、!1から!2までの実行のタイミングどおりにキー入力を再生する。

開発:!コマンドはコマンドライン入力された後の文字列を直接再現実行しちゃいますが、キーの入力のタイミングまで再現するコマンドを作れば良いのでしょうね。うーん、つまりキー入力のイベント列を入力のキューに入れて、そこにあればttyじゃなくてそこから読む、みたいな実装が簡単かな。replay 1-2 みたいなコマンドで。


開発:レベルかエッジかってとこですかね… じゃま、WAITという仮想的なキーが押されていたとします。






* * *



社長:めんどくさい。昔は手持ちのCDを全部 iMacのiTunesに読ませて、簡単にプレイリストくりくりで聞けて便利だったんですが。










社長:くじけない決して逃げない〜♪ か…そう言えばつらい時代もあったよね。





開発:自前で作ればいいんじゃないですかね。URLを開くコマンドを外からブラウザに送れれば良いと思いますが… あるいはJavScript にリストをわたしてwindowを順次開かせるとか。プレイの終了をどうやって検出するか… まあ window のURLが変わったのを見ればいいんですかね。


社長:いや、sato@its でいいです。これは正式な福利厚生の一環です。






開発:久石さんのStand Alone と幸せになるためはクルマで6年間に1000回以上聴いたと思いますが、飽きませんでしたね。







* * *









開発:あと、エスケープシーケンスの生成速度とか。上向き矢印は ESC [ A なのですが、一瞬で生成されてると思いますから文字間の時間間隔はナノ秒単位ではないかと。表示されている数マイクロ秒は、GShellによるキーの処理時間と思われます。







開発:まあ macOS は組み込み用じゃないですからねw

基盤:そういえば Parallels も動いてますしね…




* * *


社長:Goルーチンでキーボード入力のフリをするタスクを作ればいいんじゃないですかね。タイミング調整しながらキー入力をpipeに送る。IMEは、tty とpipeをselectする。




* * *



開発:一歩手前、寸止め状態みたいな。いや、Go の syscall が Poll を提供してなかったり、socketpair の仕様がドキュメントと違ったりでちょっと嫌な思いをしました。それはともかく、こういうことになりました。

開発:ungets で date という文字列をキー入力として送っています。


開発:それで、#14 - #22 までの date の入力は手入力ですから、キーの間が100ms程度空いている。ところが、#24 - #32 でキー入力だと思って受け取ったキーは、数マイクロ間隔で届くというわけです。


社長:驚速がGoogle IMEのデフォルトに無いのは悲しいですね。自分の辞書に追加っと。





* * *





社長:いよいよ GShell IMEで行きますか。





* * *





社長:一度入り直しますか… これでどうかな?

基盤:なんかダメですね。昔の QuickTime は普通にアップロードできるようですが…


開発:ああ、Safari では再生できますよ。Vivaldi が死んでるとか。

基盤:Vivaldi 以外のブラウザなら再生できますね。ていうか、iMacのVivaldiならOK。

社長:そうですか、立ち上げ直せば大丈夫なのかな。Vivaldi だけ動画の再生の色が変なことがあるんですが、あれも酷使し過ぎですかね。






社長:それでこの例で気づいたのですが、replay する時にIMEの変換モードが再現されていないので、表示が実際のリプレイにならないということです。なので、上の例では replay の前に手動で再現しています。








社長:今日は面白い機能ができました。ちょっとした機能ですが、当社の one giant leap だったのかも知れません。


-- 2020-0829 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.5 // 2020-08-29 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.5" DATE = "2020-08-29" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type Event struct { when time.Time event int evarg int64 CmdIndex int } var CmdIndex int var Events []Event type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "ev" || cmd == "events": dumpEvents(0) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "replay": gshCtx.xReplay(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "ungets": if 1 < len(argv) { ungets(argv[1]+"\n") }else{ } case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var info = false var dump = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-v": debug = true case "-d": debug = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n",dicName); } case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- WorldDic %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(body)) } entv := strings.Split(string(body),"\n"); if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); } var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan)); } // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); var info = false if info { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history const ( GO_UP = 201 GO_DOWN = 202 GO_RIGHT = 203 GO_LEFT = 204 DEL_RIGHT= 205 EV_TIMEOUT = 206 EV_IDLE = 207 ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) var EventRecvFd = -1 // file descriptor var EventSendFd = -1 const EventFdOffset = 1000000 const NormalFdOffset = 100 func putEvent(event int, evarg int){ if true { if EventRecvFd < 0 { var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) EventRecvFd = pv[0] EventSendFd = pv[1] //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPipe created[%v,%v]\n",EventRecvFd,EventSendFd) } }else{ if EventRecvFd < 0 { // the document differs from this spec // sv,err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX,syscall.SOCK_STREAM,0) EventRecvFd = sv[0] EventSendFd = sv[1] if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- EventSock created[%v,%v](%v)\n", EventRecvFd,EventSendFd,err) } } } var buf = []byte{ byte(event)} n,err := syscall.Write(EventSendFd,buf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--De-- putEvent[%v](%3v)(%v %v)\n",EventSendFd,event,n,err) } } func ungets(str string){ for _,ch := range str { putEvent(int(ch),0) } } func (gsh*GshContext)xReplay(argv[]string){ hix := 0 if 1 < len(argv) { fmt.Sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&hix) } if hix == 0 || len(argv) <= 1 { hix = len(gsh.CommandHistory)-1 } fmt.Printf("--Ir-- Replay(!%v)\n",hix) //dumpEvents(hix) //gsh.xScanReplay(hix,false) go gsh.xScanReplay(hix,true) } // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(uintptr){ nfd := 1 rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd1 := fp.Fd() bank1 := fd1/32 mask1 := int32(1 << fd1) rdv.Bits[bank1] = mask1 fd2 := -1 bank2 := -1 var mask2 int32 = 0 if 0 <= EventRecvFd { fd2 = EventRecvFd nfd = fd2 + 1 bank2 = fd2/32 mask2 = int32(1 << fd2) rdv.Bits[bank2] |= mask2 //fmt.Printf("--De-- EventPoll mask added [%d][%v][%v]\n",fd2,bank2,mask2) } tout := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(nfd,&rdv,nil,nil,&tout) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--De-- select() err(%v)\n",err) } if err == nil { if 0 <= fd2 && (rdv.Bits[bank2] & mask2) != 0 { if false { fmt.Printf("--De-- got Event\n") } return uintptr(EventFdOffset + fd2) }else if (rdv.Bits[bank1] & mask1) != 0 { return uintptr(NormalFdOffset + fd1) }else{ return 1 } }else{ return 0 } } func fgetcTimeout1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ readyFd := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if readyFd < 100 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte if EventFdOffset <= readyFd { fd := int(readyFd-EventFdOffset) _,err := syscall.Read(fd,buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func visibleChar(ch int)(string){ switch { case '!' <= ch && ch <= '~': return string(ch) } switch ch { case ' ': return "\\s" case '\n': return "\\n" case '\r': return "\\r" case '\t': return "\\t" } switch ch { case 0x00: return "NUL" case 0x07: return "BEL" case 0x08: return "BS" case 0x0E: return "SO" case 0x0F: return "SI" case 0x1B: return "ESC" case 0x7F: return "DEL" } switch ch { case EV_IDLE: return fmt.Sprintf("IDLE") } return fmt.Sprintf("%X",ch) } func (gsh*GshContext)xScanReplay(hix int,replay bool){ var Start time.Time var events = []Event{} for _,e := range Events { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { events = append(events,e) } } elen := len(events) if 0 < elen { if events[elen-1].event == EV_IDLE { events = events[0:elen-1] } } for i,e := range events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 if Start.Second() == 0 { Start = time.Now() } diff := time.Now().Sub(Start) if replay { if e.event != EV_IDLE { putEvent(e.event,0) } }else{ fmt.Printf("%7.3fms #%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n", float64(diff)/1000000.0, i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event), float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } if e.event == EV_IDLE { nsleep(time.Duration(e.evarg)) } } } func dumpEvents(hix int){ for i,e := range Events { nano := e.when.Nanosecond() micro := nano / 1000 //if e.event != EV_TIMEOUT { if hix == 0 || e.CmdIndex == hix { fmt.Printf("#%-3v !%-3v [%v.%06d] %3v %02X %-4v %10.3fms\n",i, e.CmdIndex, e.when.Format(time.Stamp),micro, e.event,e.event,visibleChar(e.event),float64(e.evarg)/1000000.0) } //} } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ch := fgetcTimeout1(fp,usec) if ch != EV_TIMEOUT { now := time.Now() if 0 < len(Events) { last := Events[len(Events)-1] dura := int64(now.Sub(last.when)) Events = append(Events,Event{last.when,EV_IDLE,dura,last.CmdIndex}) } Events = append(Events,Event{time.Now(),ch,0,CmdIndex}) } return ch } var TtyMaxCol = 72 var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno CmdIndex = len(gsh.CommandHistory) if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; iin.Redraw(); for { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

GShell 0.2.4 − 声明文




社長:いわゆる「立場文」てやつですよw GShell がユニークであり得るとすれば、それは我々のポジションというか姿勢から発してくるものです。わたしは人の作ったソフトを使うかどうか判断する時に、まずその作者の動機とか姿勢とか考え方を観察します。そこに共感できるかとか、笑えるかとかが重要。




社長:これが読み物でなく実際に使われた場合の事は考慮しておく必要があります。正式には NO WARRANTY とかどこかに書いとくべきだと思います。





開発:というかこの声明は、個別のこの GShell の事というより、GShell 的なソフトウェアのあり方の提案の表明なんだろうと思います。


* * *

社長:ということで、スペルミスを直したりしながら、無保証の件も書き足しました。試しにGoolge翻訳と Bing翻訳にかけてみました。まずGoogle。







開発:WordPress のプラグインとかのドキュメント類は、各国語の作者が一応英語で書いとくか的な感じがほのぼのしてて良いですね。

社長:日本ではわりと文法をちゃんと教えると思います。以前 DeleGate関係で色んな国の人のオレオレ風英語と付き合いましたが、もう文法が意味不明な場合が結構ありました。


* * *





開発:他の部分では Go は固有名詞として認識しているのにね。

基盤:あと、:-) を :- で切ってみたりとか。メダカですか?


開発:一旦文章を切っちゃえばいいんじゃないですかね。なんか than にスペルチェックみたいな赤線が入ってるし、英語的にも掛かり受けに無理のある文章なのかと思います。




社長:勝手に日本語読みを生成するのは、大胆で面白いとは思いますが、x がスでもありシでもあるのは変じゃないかとは思いますね。


社長:いや、書いてる本人も読みを決めてるわけではありませんが… 「サトックス・アイティーエス」かなぁ。もちろん sato@its の意味です。sato と its を含んでいて、当時の Google も Bing も知らない8文字の英文字列ということでこれにしました。

社長:で、これを書いてて気づいたのですが、我々の立ち位置というか姿勢は「 ... , with fun.」なんだなということです。




開発:まったくの遊びで作っているわけでは無いので、初稿のように for funでは無いですね。fun は目的であることもありますが、基本は手段だと思います。心の持ち方というか。





開発:Fun to create a shell がGoogleでは「シェルを作るのが楽しい」Bingでは「シェルを作成する楽しみ」になってるのも面白いですね。




社長:というわけで、今日の主要な成果物はこの、声明文でした (^-^)

* * *

開発:ところでこの、JavaScript でブラウザ用の表示を作るというのをやってて思ったのは、これはカスタマイズした gsh.go を生成するのにも使えるだろうということです。



開発:ブラウザには「ページのソースを表示する」という機能があるわけですが、これは普通、オリジナルの状態のソースの表示です。JavaScript で操作したDOMの状態ではないんです。プリントはDOMの状態を出していると思うのですが。




開発:ブラウザに手を突っ込むとか、extension でやるとかは、いずれやりたいとは思いますが、今はそういう汎用のソリューションの前にまず、GShell というユーザのプログラムでやるのが面白いし、試すのに効率的だと思います。それに、ブラウザにもサーバにも頼らない、サーバのようなブラウザのような機能を自前で内蔵するHTMLというのは、それはそれで一般化すれば面白いと思うのです。

基盤:誰かがそういうJavaScript のライブラリを書いていそうな気はしますが…




開発:まずはデータからですね。ここにおあつらえに、GShell IME用の内蔵辞書という例題があります。






-- 2020-0828 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.4 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.4 // 2020-08-28 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*

Fun to create a shell

For a programmer, it must be far easy and fun to create his own simple shell rightly fitting to his favor and necessities, than learning existing shells with complex full features that he never use. I, as one of programmers, am writing this tiny shell for my own real needs, totally from scratch, with fun.

For a programmer, it is fun to learn new computer languages. For long years before writing this software, I had been specialized to C and early HTML2 :-). Now writing this software, I'm learning Go language, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS on demand as a novice of these, with fun.

This single file "gsh.go", that is executable by Go, contains all of the code written in Go. Also it can be displayed as "gsh.go.html" by browsers. It is a standalone HTML file that works as the viewer of the code of itself, and as the "home page" of this software.

Because this HTML file is a Go program, you may run it as a real shell program on your computer. But you must be aware that this program is written under situation like above. Needless to say, there is no warranty for this program in any means.

Aug 2020, SatoxITS (
*/ /*
Documents Command summary Go lang part Package structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main JavaScript part Source Builtin data CSS part Source References Internal External Whole parts Source Download Dump
*/ //
//Go Source
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.4" DATE = "2020-08-28" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var dump = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-v": debug = true case "-d": debug = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n",dicName); case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- WorldDic %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(body)) } entv := strings.Split(string(body),"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan)); // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history const ( GO_UP = 201 GO_DOWN = 202 GO_RIGHT = 203 GO_LEFT = 204 DEL_RIGHT= 205 EV_TIMEOUT = 206 ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd := fp.Fd() bank := fd/32 mask := int32(1 << fd) rdv.Bits[bank] = mask t := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(1,&rdv,nil,nil,&t) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(1,&rdv,nil,nil,&t) if err == nil { if (rdv.Bits[bank] & mask) != 0 { return 1 }else{ return 0 } }else{ return -1 } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ready := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if ready <= 0 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } var TtyMaxCol = 72 var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; iin.Redraw(); for { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Raw Source
Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///

GShell 0.2.3 − window間通信




基盤:¥i の undo は欲しいですね。¥u とか。

開発:undo 希望と。これはヒストリを取っておけば良いことです。

社長:あとは world → 世界と、世界 → world の変換があると、翻訳にもなりますね。




開発:いっそ Prolog を導入しましょうかね。

基盤:せかい → 世界の変換も。





開発:単語に分解したり読みをどう生成するかですが… 形態素解析のパッケージとかありますかね?




* * *

社長:今日は「GShell 0.2.3 − window間通信」で行く予定だったのですが、IMEが面白おかしくなってきたので、こっちにテーマを切り替えましょう。




基盤:そもそも IME って何の略でしたっけ? input method なんちゃら?… ああ、input method editor ですね。というかこれ、和製英語なんですかね?日本語版のWikiしかないんですが。

開発:最後の editor がなんか不思議ですよね。input methodを編集するわけではなく…

基盤:ああ、"imput method" でググると出てきますね。Wikiにもあります







開発:普通に lex とか flex を使って作れば良いようにも思いますが、なぜそうなってないんでしょうね?


基盤:この flex というのは、Golang 版があったら使いたいですね。


社長:そう、Onew + Wnn/Kanna では ^I / ^O を良くやりました。昔は長く入れて後でまとめて変換するという流儀だったんでしょうかね?










開発:全コマンドの構文がBNFになってると良いですね。たとえば、grep コマンドで、ここは正規表現の引数部分だから正規表現の予約季語はエスケープせずに通してやろうとか、ここはファイル名だからファイル名としてマッチングしてやろうとか。一種のインクリメンタルコンパイルのような。






開発:たぶん、最大のヤマは、複数の変換先候補がある場合ですね。これがなければ、ごく普通に言語処理系が使えるはず。一番面白そうなのは、辞書の自動生成。今書いている文章に適した辞書を自動生成する。これは、今書いてる文章とか、典型的な文書とかお手本文書からとっても良い。ヒストリからとってもよい。!3 て入れると3番目に入れたコマンドが速攻で展開されるみたいな。




* * *









基盤:それって、awk 的な処理系と同じ動きになるんじゃないですかね。




社長:昔はそういうことは無かったんですけどねえ (^-^;

* * *

開発:それにしても Go は syscall についてはやる気が無いなというのは、これの実装でも思いました。入出力をタイムアウト付きにするのに簡単なのは poll か select なわけですが、最近ではもっぱら poll なわけです。ところが syscall.Poll が無いんですよ。目を皿のようにして探してもw

開発:で、syscall.Select を使うことにしたのですが、これのドキュメントが間違ってるんです。ドキュメントどおりに書いたら、返り値の数が多すぎると怒られるわけです。

開発:そもそも select のビットマップだって、int32 なんだか int64 だか怪しい。int64 代入しようとすると怒ってきますからね。


開発:いえ、OSのナマのselect システムコールにしても、そもそも普通 int は 32ビットなわけです。fdsetの定義を見ればわかることですが… 普通そういう事は気にしなくて良いように、FD_SET、FD_ISSETとかするわけですが、そもそもそういう面倒もあるので、syscall.Pollであるべきだと思うんですが。


* * *

社長:智恵子は「ほんとうの空」を見たいと行ったそうですが、わたしは時々、現実離れした空を見て感動する事があります。これは 2018年8月27日の18:35分、ちょうど2年前ですが、にたまたま空が面白い様相だったのを見て撮影した写真です。










* * *




-- 2020-0827 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.3 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.3 // 2020-08-27 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Stop | Unfold | */ /*
To be written
*/ /*
Source Code Index
Implementation Structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main
*/ //
//Source Code
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.3" DATE = "2020-08-27" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dic": xDic(argv) case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { dic string // dictionaly ID pat string // input pattern out string // output pattern hit int64 // count of hit and used } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana var Romkan []RomKana func isinDic(str string)(int){ for i,v := range Romkan { if v.pat == str { return i } } return -1 } const ( DIC_COM_LOAD = "im" DIC_COM_DUMP = "s" DIC_COM_LIST = "ls" DIC_COM_ENA = "en" DIC_COM_DIS = "di" ) func helpDic(argv []string){ out := stderr cmd := "" if 0 < len(argv) { cmd = argv[0] } fprintf(out,"--- %v Usage\n",cmd) fprintf(out,"... Commands\n") fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] [dicURL ] -- Import dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LOAD) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [pattern] -- Search in dictionary\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DUMP) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- List dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_LIST) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Disable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_DIS) fprintf(out,"... %v %-3v [dicName] -- Enable dictionaries\n",cmd,DIC_COM_ENA) fprintf(out,"... Keys ... %v\n","ESC can be used for '\\'") fprintf(out,"... \\c -- Reverse the case of the last character\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\i -- Replace input with translated text\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\j -- On/Off translation mode\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\l -- Force Lower Case\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\u -- Force Upper Case (software CapsLock)\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\v -- Show translation actions\n",) fprintf(out,"... \\x -- Replace the last input character with it Hexa-Decimal\n",) } func xDic(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { helpDic(argv) return } argv = argv[1:] var debug = false var dump = false cmd := argv[0] argv = argv[1:] opt := "" arg := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg1 := argv[0] if arg1[0] == '-' { switch arg1 { default: fmt.Printf("--Ed-- Unknown option(%v)\n",arg1) return case "-v": debug = true case "-d": debug = true } opt = arg1 argv = argv[1:] } } dicName := "" dicURL := "" if 0 < len(argv) { arg = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if false { fprintf(stderr,"--Dd-- com(%v) opt(%v) arg(%v)\n",cmd,opt,arg) } if cmd == DIC_COM_LOAD { switch arg { default: dicName = "WorldDic" dicURL = WorldDic fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- default dictionary \"%v\"\n",dicName); case "jkl": dicName = "JKLJaDic" dicURL = JA_JKLDic } if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v URL=%v\n\n",dicName,dicURL); } dicv := strings.Split(dicURL,",") if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v encoded data...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"Type: %v\n",dicv[0]) fprintf(stderr,"Body: %v\n",dicv[1]) fprintf(stderr,"\n") } body,_ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dicv[1]) if debug { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- WorldDic %v text...\n",dicName) fprintf(stderr,"%v\n",string(body)) } entv := strings.Split(string(body),"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan...\n",dicName); var added int = 0 var dup int = 0 for i,v := range entv { var pat string var out string fmt.Sscanf(v,"%s %s",&pat,&out) if len(pat) <= 0 { }else{ if 0 <= isinDic(pat) { dup += 1 continue } romkana[dicents] = RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0} dicents += 1 added += 1 Romkan = append(Romkan,RomKana{dicName,pat,out,0}) if debug { fmt.Printf("[%3v]:[%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) } } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v scan... %v added, %v dup. / %v total\n", dicName,added,dup,len(Romkan)); // should sort by pattern length for conclete match, for performance if debug { arg = "" // search pattern dump = true } } if cmd == DIC_COM_DUMP || dump { fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v dump... %v entries:\n",dicName,len(Romkan)); var match = 0 for i := 0; i < len(Romkan); i++ { dic := Romkan[i].dic pat := Romkan[i].pat out := Romkan[i].out if arg == "" || 0 <= strings.Index(pat,arg)||0 <= strings.Index(out,arg) { fmt.Printf("\\\\%v\t%v [%2v]%-8v [%2v]%v\n", i,dic,len(pat),pat,len(out),out) match += 1 } } fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- %v matched %v / %v entries:\n",arg,match,len(Romkan)); } } func loadDefaultDic(dic int){ if( 0 < len(Romkan) ){ return } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") xDic([]string{"dic",DIC_COM_LOAD}); fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- Conguraturations!! WorldDic is now activated.\r\n") fprintf(stderr,"--Id-- enter \"dic\" command for help.\r\n") } func readDic()(int){ /* var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input */ return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%t") { now := time.Now() if true { date := now.Format(time.Stamp) dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(date)...) si = si+3 } continue } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history const ( GO_UP = 201 GO_DOWN = 202 GO_RIGHT = 203 GO_LEFT = 204 DEL_RIGHT= 205 EV_TIMEOUT = 206 ) // should return number of octets ready to be read immediately //fprintf(stderr,"\n--Select(%v %v)\n",err,r.Bits[0]) // syscall.Select // 2020-0827 GShell-0.2.3 func FpollIn1(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ rdv := syscall.FdSet {} fd := fp.Fd() bank := fd/32 mask := int32(1 << fd) rdv.Bits[bank] = mask t := syscall.NsecToTimeval(int64(usec*1000)) //n,err := syscall.Select(1,&rdv,nil,nil,&t) // spec. mismatch err := syscall.Select(1,&rdv,nil,nil,&t) if err == nil { if (rdv.Bits[bank] & mask) != 0 { return 1 }else{ return 0 } }else{ return -1 } } func fgetcTimeout(fp *os.File,usec int)(int){ ready := FpollIn1(fp,usec) if ready <= 0 { return EV_TIMEOUT } var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } var TtyMaxCol = 72 var EscTimeout = (100*1000) var ( MODE_ShowMode bool romkanmode bool MODE_CapsLock bool // software CapsLock MODE_LowerLock bool // force lower-case character lock MODE_ViInsert int // visible insert mode, should be like "I" icon in X Window MODE_ViTrace bool // output newline before translation ) type IInput struct { lno int lastlno int pch []int // input queue prompt string line string right string inJmode bool pinJmode bool waitingMeta string // waiting meta character LastCmd string } func (iin*IInput)Getc(timeoutUs int)(int){ ch1 := EOF ch2 := EOF ch3 := EOF if( 0 < len(iin.pch) ){ // deQ ch1 = iin.pch[0] iin.pch = iin.pch[1:] }else{ ch1 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,timeoutUs); } if( ch1 == 033 ){ /// escape sequence ch2 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch2 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ }else{ ch3 = fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch3 == EV_TIMEOUT ){ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ }else{ switch( ch2 ){ default: iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch2) // enQ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch3) // enQ case '[': switch( ch3 ){ case 'A': ch1 = GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': ch1 = GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': ch1 = GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': ch1 = GO_LEFT; // < case '3': ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); if( ch4 == '~' ){ //fprintf(stderr,"x[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } case '\\': //ch4 := fgetcTimeout(stdin,EscTimeout); //fprintf(stderr,"y[%02X %02X %02X %02X]\n",ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4); switch( ch3 ){ case '~': ch1 = DEL_RIGHT } } } } } return ch1 } func (inn*IInput)clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); // should be ANSI ESC sequence for i = 0; i < TtyMaxCol; i++ { // to the max. position in this input action fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } func (iin*IInput)Redraw(){ redraw(iin,iin.lno,iin.line,iin.right) } func redraw(iin *IInput,lno int,line string,right string){ inMeta := false showMode := "" showMeta := "" // visible Meta mode on the cursor position showLino := fmt.Sprintf("!%d! ",lno) InsertMark := "" // in visible insert mode if 0 < len(iin.right) { InsertMark = " " } if( 0 < len(iin.waitingMeta) ){ inMeta = true if iin.waitingMeta[0] != 033 { showMeta = iin.waitingMeta } } if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ //romkanmark = ""; } if MODE_ShowMode { romkan := "--" inmeta := "-" inveri := "" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "A" } if MODE_LowerLock { inmeta = "a" } if MODE_ViTrace { inveri = "v" } if romkanmode { romkan = "\343\201\202" if MODE_CapsLock { inmeta = "R" }else{ inmeta = "r" } } if inMeta { inmeta = "\\" } showMode = "["+romkan+inmeta+inveri+"]"; } Pre := "\r" + showMode + showLino Output := "" Left := "" Right := "" if romkanmode { Left = convs(line) Right = InsertMark+convs(right) }else{ Left = line Right = InsertMark+right } Output = Pre+Left if MODE_ViTrace { Output += iin.LastCmd } Output += showMeta+Right for len(Output) < TtyMaxCol { // to the max. position that may be dirty Output += " " // should be ANSI ESC sequence // not necessary just after newline } Output += Pre+Left+showMeta // to set the cursor to the current input position fprintf(stderr,"%s",Output) if MODE_ViTrace { if 0 < len(iin.LastCmd) { iin.LastCmd = "" fprintf(stderr,"\r\n") } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var iin IInput iin.lastlno = lno iin.lno = lno if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ iin.line = "exit\n"; }else{ } return iin.line } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&iin.line,LINESIZE,stdin); return iin.line } system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); xline := iin.xgetline1(prevline,gsh) system("/bin/stty echo sane"); return xline } func (iin*IInput)Translate(cmdch int){ romkanmode = !romkanmode; if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); }else if( cmdch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)Replace(cmdch int){ iin.LastCmd = fmt.Sprintf("\\%v",string(cmdch)) iin.Redraw(); loadDefaultDic(cmdch); dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" if( cmdch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); iin.inJmode = true } iin.Redraw(); } func (iin*IInput)xgetline1(prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ var ch int; iin.Redraw(); for { iin.pinJmode = iin.inJmode iin.inJmode = false ch = iin.Getc(1000*1000) //fprintf(stderr,"A[%02X]\n",ch); if( ch == '\\' || ch == 033 ){ MODE_ShowMode = true metach := ch iin.waitingMeta = string(ch) iin.Redraw(); // set cursor //fprintf(stderr,"???\b\b\b") ch = fgetcTimeout(stdin,2000*1000) // reset cursor iin.waitingMeta = "" cmdch := ch if( ch == EV_TIMEOUT ){ if metach == 033 { continue } ch = metach }else if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ iin.Translate(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ iin.Replace(cmdch); continue }else if( ch == 'l' || ch == 'L' ){ MODE_LowerLock = !MODE_LowerLock MODE_CapsLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'u' || ch == 'U' ){ MODE_CapsLock = !MODE_CapsLock MODE_LowerLock = false if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'v' || ch == 'V' ){ MODE_ViTrace = !MODE_ViTrace if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else if( ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' ){ if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) if len([]byte(tail)) == 1 { ch = int(tail[0]) if( 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ){ ch = ch + 'A'-'a' }else if( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ){ ch = ch + 'a'-'A' } iin.line = xline + string(ch) } } if MODE_ViTrace { fprintf(stderr,"%v\r\n",string(cmdch)); } iin.Redraw(); continue }else{ iin.pch = append(iin.pch,ch) // push ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 'P'-0x40: ch = GO_UP case 'N'-0x40: ch = GO_DOWN case 'B'-0x40: ch = GO_LEFT case 'F'-0x40: ch = GO_RIGHT } //fprintf(stderr,"B[%02X]\n",ch); switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case '\t': iin.Replace('j'); continue case 'X'-0x40: iin.Replace('j'); continue case EV_TIMEOUT: iin.Redraw(); if iin.pinJmode { fprintf(stderr,"\\J\r\n") iin.inJmode = true } continue case GO_UP: if iin.lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno-1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno - 1 } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(iin.lno+1) if ok { iin.line = cmd iin.right = "" iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 }else{ iin.line = "" iin.right = "" if iin.lno == iin.lastlno-1 { iin.lno = iin.lno + 1 } } iin.Redraw(); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(iin.line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(iin.line) iin.line = xline iin.right = tail + iin.right } iin.Redraw(); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) && iin.right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.right = xright iin.line += head } iin.Redraw(); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(iin.line+iin.right); iin.line = dst iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; iin.Redraw(); continue; case 'L'-0x40: iin.Redraw(); continue case 'K'-0x40: iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'E'-0x40: iin.line += iin.right iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'A'-0x40: iin.right = iin.line + iin.right iin.line = "" iin.Redraw(); continue case 'U'-0x40: iin.line = "" iin.right = "" iin.clearline(); iin.Redraw(); continue; case DEL_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } continue; case 0x7F: // BS? not DEL if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } /* else if( 0 < len(iin.right) ){ iin.right,_ = delHeadChar(iin.right) iin.Redraw(); } */ continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(iin.line) ){ iin.line,_ = delTailChar(iin.line) iin.Redraw(); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ iin.line += iin.right; iin.right = "" iin.Redraw(); fputc(ch,stderr); break; } if MODE_CapsLock { if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' { ch = ch+'A'-'a' } } if MODE_LowerLock { if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' { ch = ch+'a'-'A' } } iin.line += string(ch); iin.Redraw(); } EXIT: return iin.line + iin.right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
// var WorldDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly8gTXlJTUUvMC4wLjEg6L6e5pu4ICgyMDIwLTA4MTlhKQpzZWthaSDkuJbnlYwKa28g44GT"+ "Cm5uIOOCkwpuaSDjgasKY2hpIOOBoQp0aSDjgaEKaGEg44GvCnNlIOOBmwprYSDjgYsKaSDj"+ "gYQK"; // var JA_JKLDic = // "data:text/dic;base64,"+ "Ly92ZXJsCU15SU1FamRpY2ptb3JzZWpKQWpKS0woMjAyMGowODE5KSheLV4pL1NhdG94SVRT"+ "CmtqamprbGtqa2tsa2psIOS4lueVjApqamtqamwJ44GCCmtqbAnjgYQKa2tqbAnjgYYKamtq"+ "amwJ44GICmtqa2trbAnjgYoKa2pra2wJ44GLCmpramtrbAnjgY0Ka2tramwJ44GPCmpramps"+ "CeOBkQpqampqbAnjgZMKamtqa2psCeOBlQpqamtqa2wJ44GXCmpqamtqbAnjgZkKa2pqamts"+ "CeOBmwpqamprbAnjgZ0KamtsCeOBnwpra2prbAnjgaEKa2pqa2wJ44GkCmtqa2pqbAnjgaYK"+ "a2tqa2tsCeOBqApramtsCeOBqgpqa2prbAnjgasKa2tra2wJ44GsCmpqa2psCeOBrQpra2pq"+ "bAnjga4Kamtra2wJ44GvCmpqa2tqbAnjgbIKampra2wJ44G1CmtsCeOBuApqa2tsCeOBuwpq"+ "a2tqbAnjgb4Ka2tqa2psCeOBvwpqbAnjgoAKamtra2psCeOCgQpqa2tqa2wJ44KCCmtqamwJ"+ "44KECmpra2pqbAnjgoYKampsCeOCiApra2tsCeOCiQpqamtsCeOCigpqa2pqa2wJ44KLCmpq"+ "amwJ44KMCmtqa2psCeOCjQpqa2psCeOCjwpramtramwJ44KQCmtqamtrbAnjgpEKa2pqamwJ"+ "44KSCmtqa2prbAnjgpMKa2pqa2psCeODvApra2wJ44KbCmtramprbAnjgpwKa2pramtqbAnj"+ "gIEK"; // // /*
*/ /*
Total Source of GShell

The full of this HTML including the Go code is here.

Whole file
CSS part
JavaScript part
Builtin data part
*/ /* --> *///




社長:そうですか… わたしは今とても面白い仕事中なんですが…


開発:ああ、functions.php に xDate() という関数を突っ込んで、これを WordPress からショートカットで呼んでるわけですね。

開発:これの strftime を呼ぶ前にロケールの設定をすれば良いのかな?




開発:setlocale 効かないですね。これは表示言語を切り替えるだけの機能なのかな? localtimeを strftime に食わせてみるとどうですかね。

開発:そうですか… どうもこの、与えた時間の値を指定したタイムゾーン用に表示してねって機能というかパラメータが無いのがとても不思議ですね。


開発:strftime はあくまでもデフォルトのタイムゾーンで表示する気しかなくて、ローカルタイムのタイムゾーンは引数じゃなくて環境で与える、って感じですかね。このサーバというかPHPのデフォルトタイムゾーンは東京にセットされてるんだと思ってたので、strftimeはデフォルトでGMTで出すのかと勘違いしてました。… %Z を表示。

基盤:UTC になってますね。

開発:そうですか。ではデフォルトを Asia/Tokyo に設定して。クリック。


開発:ついでに %W で曜日も出しましょうか…

開発:意味がわからない。ロケール指定が効いてないんですかね… まあこれは次回50000回の時に検討しましょう。functions.phpの記念写真をパシャ。









開発:そうしますか。どうぜなら JavaScript で書きますかね。onclick=location.refload() だけでOK。いい感じですね。スマホではどうか… あれえ、表示している場所を維持して紅ですね。てことで #label 作戦… うーん、なんとかなるようなら、ずれるような…





開発:わたしはこの、生成したコードの適切な切れ目に改行を入れない流儀を見ているとめまいというか、もっと言えば吐き気がするんですよね… まあ要するに adswc_countertext のフォントサイズをでかくしてやれば良いと。WordPress に CSSを追加…


開発:まあテストですから。20pt くらいが妥当ですかね。色も当社カラーの #4169e1 にしてみる。。

社長:黒の方が渋くて良いようにも思いますが… しばらくこれで行きますか。あと、ブラウザによってフォントが違ったりするので、明示指定したいですね。少なくともボールドにはなってほしい。Operaでは痩せている。






開発:Client-side CSS とか流行らないのが不思議です。まあサーバ側のこう見せたいという方針もあるでしょうけど。CSS的には、@俺好みルール的なのが出来ていくとよいのかなと思いますが。












社長:それにしても、このカウンターの画像表示モードの画像データが data URI なのには驚きました。

開発:あれは、GShell に対する大きな刺激になったと思います。


社長:ですが recaptcha系の松前漬け表示も面白いと思います。



社長:WakWakの会員IDとパスワードを回復しないと… というかあれ、もう20年も同じカウンターを使ってきたわけで、あれが連続アクセスをどうカウントから外しているのか方式を知らないと、カウンターを代えるとそれ以前と統計が変わっちゃうわけです。

開発:でもあのカウンターの値って気に止めたこと無いですよねw どういう経過だったを記録にも残していない。魚拓をとって切り替えてしまえばよいのでは。



社長:ああそれで、Android の端末だけ買おうかなって思うんです。WiFiだけで使う。

開発:それにしてもこの、カウンターのリフレッシュでサイドバー内の #label に飛ぶのは、ちょっとおもしろいかも知れないですね。サイドバーの中に飛ぶというのが。それに、ページ内の移動に #label をもっと全般に活用するといいんじゃないかと思うんです。





社長:UIというか、つまり window というのはそれぞれプロセスなので、プロセスのforkとjoinを、ブラウザのwindowという形で見える化して使うと面白いと思うわけです。fork の方向はだいたい出来ましたので、join する方向で何ができるかお楽しみというところです。


社長:で、window の生成関係で並列処理の全体構造を作って、各windowに extension で Goをくっつけるとかできると良いかなと。


社長:そうですね… 要するに、OS上のプロセスが皆、ブラウザ上に対応する window を持つって感じかなと思うんです。ブラウザ上のウィンドウのプロセスと1対1のペアになるというか。たとえば、ps とかなんかをブラウザでビジュアルにやるとか。

基盤:find から起動する grep とか、いちいち window にしてられないですよね。

社長:まあそれはそうですね… 全体のワークフローの節目みたいなプロセスですかね。あるいは、ターミナルプロセスは対応するブラウザウィンドウを持っても良い。




基盤:プロセスというか、もっと単純に、ファイルのディレクトごとに一ウィンドウっていうのが便利な気がします。ディレクトリを映るごとに、対応するウィンドウに focus を移す。ふFinderの「新しいウィンドウで開く」とかかったるいんですよね。

社長:Finder代わりのウィンドウですか… file URL とのからみでもありますね。



基盤:やはりキリ番監視ロボットがほしいですね。ぜひ extension で。定期的に reload して、注目するHTMLエレメントの値がある条件になったら停止する。

社長:ここで Vivaldi が固まったら悲しいですね。

基盤:予備のEdgeが隣に、別室に Chrome も控えていますw










開発:4096ごとか 65536カウントごとにお祭りという選択ですね。

社長:うん、次回は 0x10000 カウントを祝うことにしましょう。


開発:0xC0DE とかもいいかも。

-- 2020-0827 SatoxITS

GShell 0.2.2 − 音の出るソースコード



開発:GShell は Go としても JavaScript としても音は出せると思いますが、ディスジョイントですよね。


開発:JavaScript としては、タグのinnterHTMLとして取り出せるのが望ましいですね。IMEの辞書ファイルを内蔵にしようと思っていたので、それで試してみましょうか。

* * *

基盤:ところで、昨日ライトセール東京でディスクをなめるというのをやってみました。使ったチェックサムは一番軽い -add です。

基盤:ライトセールのディスクは遅いというか、ファイルを開きまくるような処理はかなり重いようです。平均して1382ファイル/秒、転送されるデータの読み出し速度は15MB/s と出ました。

開発:遠隔とUDPを使った高速データ転送すれば 50MB/s出るだけに残念ですね。

* * *
















-- 2020-0827 SatoxITS

/* GShell-0.2.2 by SatoxITS
GShell version 0.2.2 // 2020-08-26 // SatoxITS

GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang

It is a shell for myself, by myself, of myself. --SatoxITS(^-^)

0 | | Fork | Unfold | Stop | */ /*
To be written
*/ /*
Source Code Index
Implementation Structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler remote-sh // remote shell redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode IME // command line IME getline // line editor scanf // string decomposer interpreter // command interpreter main
*/ //
//Source Code
// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS ( package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 "unicode/utf8" // utf8 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code "hash/crc32" // crc32 ) const ( NAME = "gsh" VERSION = "0.2.2" DATE = "2020-08-26" AUTHOR = "SatoxITS(^-^)/" ) var ( GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory GSH_PORT = 9999 MaxStreamSize = int64(128*1024*1024*1024) // 128GiB is too large? PROMPT = "> " LINESIZE = (8*1024) PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows ) // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --T-- time and resource usage // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // --Xn- network // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start WorkDirX int // index in ChdirHistory CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time CmdIndex int } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GServer struct { host string port string } // Digest const ( // SumType SUM_ITEMS = 0x000001 // items count SUM_SIZE = 0x000002 // data length (simplly added) SUM_SIZEHASH = 0x000004 // data length (hashed sequence) SUM_DATEHASH = 0x000008 // date of data (hashed sequence) // also envelope attributes like time stamp can be a part of digest // hashed value of sizes or mod-date of files will be useful to detect changes SUM_WORDS = 0x000010 // word count is a kind of digest SUM_LINES = 0x000020 // line count is a kind of digest SUM_SUM64 = 0x000040 // simple add of bytes, useful for human too SUM_SUM32_BITS = 0x000100 // the number of true bits SUM_SUM32_2BYTE = 0x000200 // 16bits words SUM_SUM32_4BYTE = 0x000400 // 32bits words SUM_SUM32_8BYTE = 0x000800 // 64bits words SUM_SUM16_BSD = 0x001000 // UNIXsum -sum -bsd SUM_SUM16_SYSV = 0x002000 // UNIXsum -sum -sysv SUM_UNIXFILE = 0x004000 SUM_CRCIEEE = 0x008000 ) type CheckSum struct { Files int64 // the number of files (or data) Size int64 // content size Words int64 // word count Lines int64 // line count SumType int Sum64 uint64 Crc32Table crc32.Table Crc32Val uint32 Sum16 int Ctime time.Time Atime time.Time Mtime time.Time Start time.Time Done time.Time RusgAtStart [2]syscall.Rusage RusgAtEnd [2]syscall.Rusage } type ValueStack [][]string type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool // should be [map] CmdTime bool // should be [map] PluginFuncs []PluginInfo iValues []string iDelimiter string // field sepearater of print out iFormat string // default print format (of integer) iValStack ValueStack LastServer GServer RSERV string // [gsh://]host[:port] RWD string // remote (target, there) working directory lastCheckSum CheckSum } func nsleep(ns time.Duration){ time.Sleep(ns) } func usleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000) } func msleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000) } func sleep(ns time.Duration){ nsleep(ns*1000000000) } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if len(pat) <= len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { var ext byte if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) { ext = str[i+leng:][1] } //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if ext == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else if ext == '@' || ext == 'd' { // !N@ .. workdir at the start of the command leng += 1 rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].WorkDir }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rbuff := []byte{} if false { //@@U Unicode should be cared as a character return str } //rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { //leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) leng,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") if 0 < leng { //_,rs := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,"") rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) i += leng //rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue //case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': //rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rs := time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) rbuff = append(rbuff,[]byte(rs)...) inEsc = 0 continue; default: // postpone the interpretation //rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) inEsc = 0 continue; } inEsc = 0 } //rstr = rstr + string(ch) rbuff = append(rbuff,ch) } //fmt.Printf("--D--subst(%s)(%s)\n",str,string(rbuff)) return string(rbuff) //return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("---------- ((%v))",err) }else{ mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func (gshCtx *GshContext)Enc(argv[]string){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() } func (gshCtx *GshContext)Dec(argv[]string){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func (gshCtx *GshContext)SplitLine(argv[]string){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\\")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) } // CRC32 crc32 // 1 0000 0100 1100 0001 0001 1101 1011 0111 var CRC32UNIX uint32 = uint32(0x04C11DB7) // Unix cksum var CRC32IEEE uint32 = uint32(0xEDB88320) func byteCRC32add(crc uint32,str[]byte,len uint64)(uint32){ var i uint64 for i = 0; i < len; i++ { var oct = str[i] for bi := 0; bi < 8; bi++ { ovf1 := (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 ovf2 := (oct & 0x80) != 0 ovf := (ovf1 && !ovf2) || (!ovf1 && ovf2) oct <<= 1 crc <<= 1 if ovf { crc ^= CRC32UNIX } } } return crc; } func byteCRC32end(crc uint32, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = byteCRC32add(crc,slen,uint64(li)) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func byteCRC32(str[]byte,len uint64)(crc uint32){ crc = byteCRC32add(0,str,len) crc = byteCRC32end(crc,len) return crc } func CRC32Finish(crc uint32, table *crc32.Table, len uint64)(uint32){ var slen = make([]byte,4) var li = 0 for li = 0; li < 4; { slen[li] = byte(len & 0xFF) li += 1 len >>= 8 if( len == 0 ){ break } } crc = crc32.Update(crc,table,slen) crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF return crc } func (gsh*GshContext)xCksum(path string,argv[]string, sum*CheckSum)(int64){ if isin("-type/f",argv) && !IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } if isin("-type/d",argv) && IsRegFile(path){ return 0 } file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- cksum %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- cksum %v %v\n",path,argv) } bi := 0 var buff = make([]byte,32*1024) var total int64 = 0 var initTime = time.Time{} if sum.Start == initTime { sum.Start = time.Now() } for bi = 0; ; bi++ { count,err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 || err != nil { break } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { s := sum.Sum64 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s += uint64(c) } sum.Sum64 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32add(sum.Crc32Val,buff,uint64(count)) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_CRCIEEE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = crc32.Update(sum.Crc32Val,&sum.Crc32Table,buff[0:count]) } // BSD checksum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { s := sum.Sum16 for _,c := range buff[0:count] { s = (s >> 1) + ((s & 1) << 15) s += int(c) s &= 0xFFFF //fmt.Printf("BSDsum: %d[%d] %d\n",sum.Size+int64(i),i,s) } sum.Sum16 = s } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { for bj := 0; bj < count; bj++ { sum.Sum16 += int(buff[bj]) } } total += int64(count) } sum.Done = time.Now() sum.Files += 1 sum.Size += total if !isin("-s",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v ",total) } return 0 } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func (gsh*GshContext)xGrep(path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFindEntv(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { gsh.xCksum(path,argv,&gsh.lastCheckSum); } x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := gsh.xGrep(path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { total = gsh.xxFind(depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return total } func (gsh*GshContext)xxFind(depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } total = gsh.xxFindEntv(depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func (gsh*GshContext)xFind(argv[]string){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gsh,argv) return } if isin("-cksum",argv) || isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum = CheckSum{} if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-add",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-size",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SIZE }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-bsd",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_BSD }else if isin("-sum",argv) && isin("-sysv",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM16_SYSV }else if isin("-sum",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_SUM64 } if isin("-unix",argv) { gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_UNIXFILE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32UNIX) } if isin("-ieee",argv){ gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType |= SUM_CRCIEEE gsh.lastCheckSum.Crc32Table = *crc32.MakeTable(CRC32IEEE) } gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtStart = Getrusagev() } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } fusage := gsh.xxFind(0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { var sumi uint64 = 0 sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum if (sum.SumType & SUM_SIZE) != 0 { sumi = uint64(sum.Size) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM64) != 0 { sumi = sum.Sum64 } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_SYSV) != 0 { s := uint32(sum.Sum16) r := (s & 0xFFFF) + ((s & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16) s = (r & 0xFFFF) + (r >> 16) sum.Crc32Val = uint32(s) sumi = uint64(s) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_SUM16_BSD) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = uint32(sum.Sum16) sumi = uint64(sum.Sum16) } if (sum.SumType & SUM_UNIXFILE) != 0 { sum.Crc32Val = byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size)) sumi = uint64(byteCRC32end(sum.Crc32Val,uint64(sum.Size))) } if 1 < sum.Files { fmt.Printf("%v %v // %v / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sumi,sum.Size, abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files, abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", sumi,sum.Size,npats[0]) } } if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } if !isin("-s",argv){ hits := len(gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile) if 0 < hits { fmt.Printf("--I-- %d files hits // can be refered with !%df\n", hits,len(gsh.CommandHistory)) } } if gsh.lastCheckSum.SumType != 0 { if isin("-ru",argv) { sum := &gsh.lastCheckSum sum.Done = time.Now() gsh.lastCheckSum.RusgAtEnd = Getrusagev() elps := sum.Done.Sub(sum.Start) fmt.Printf("--cksum-size: %v (%v) / %v files, %v/file\r\n", sum.Size,abssize(sum.Size),sum.Files,abssize(sum.Size/sum.Files)) nanos := int64(elps) fmt.Printf("--cksum-time: %v/total, %v/file, %.1f files/s, %v\r\n", abbtime(nanos), abbtime(nanos/sum.Files), (float64(sum.Files)*1000000000.0)/float64(nanos), abbspeed(sum.Size,nanos)) diff := RusageSubv(sum.RusgAtEnd,sum.RusgAtStart) fmt.Printf("--cksum-rusg: %v\n",sRusagef("",argv,diff)) } } return } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // @@2020-0821 func gshScanArg(str string,strip int)(argv []string){ var si = 0 var sb = 0 var inBracket = 0 var arg1 = make([]byte,LINESIZE) var ax = 0 debug := false for ; si < len(str); si++ { if str[si] != ' ' { break } } sb = si for ; si < len(str); si++ { if sb <= si { if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- +%d %2d-%2d %s ... %s\n", inBracket,sb,si,arg1[0:ax],str[si:]) } } ch := str[si] if ch == '{' { inBracket += 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket <= strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d <= %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } if 0 < inBracket { if ch == '}' { inBracket -= 1 if 0 < strip && inBracket < strip { //fmt.Printf("stripLEV %d < %d?\n",inBracket,strip) continue } } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 continue } if str[si] == ' ' { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,str[sb:si],string(str[si:])) } sb = si+1 ax = 0 continue } arg1[ax] = ch ax += 1 } if sb < si { argv = append(argv,string(arg1[0:ax])) if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- [%v][%v-%v] %s ... %s\n", -1+len(argv),sb,si,string(arg1[0:ax]),string(str[si:])) } } if debug { fmt.Printf("--Da- %d [%s] => [%d]%v\n",strip,str,len(argv),argv) } return argv } // should get stderr (into tmpfile ?) and return func (gsh*GshContext)Popen(name,mode string)(pin*os.File,pout*os.File,err bool){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} syscall.Pipe(pv) xarg := gshScanArg(name,1) name = strings.Join(xarg," ") pin = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[0]),"StdoutOf-{"+name+"}") pout = os.NewFile(uintptr(pv[1]),"StdinOf-{"+name+"}") fdix := 0 dir := "?" if mode == "r" { dir = "<" fdix = 1 // read from the stdout of the process }else{ dir = ">" fdix = 0 // write to the stdin of the process } gshPA := gsh.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] var fd uintptr = 0 if mode == "r" { fd = pout.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pout.Fd() }else{ fd = pin.Fd() gshPA.Files[fdix] = pin.Fd() } // should do this by Goroutine? if false { fmt.Printf("--Ip- Opened fd[%v] %s %v\n",fd,dir,name) fmt.Printf("--RED1 [%d,%d,%d]->[%d,%d,%d]\n", os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd(), pin.Fd(),pout.Fd(),pout.Fd()) } savi := os.Stdin savo := os.Stdout save := os.Stderr os.Stdin = pin os.Stdout = pout os.Stderr = pout gsh.BackGround = true gsh.gshelllh(name) gsh.BackGround = false os.Stdin = savi os.Stdout = savo os.Stderr = save gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return pin,pout,false } // External commands func (gsh*GshContext)excommand(exec bool, argv []string) (notf bool,exit bool) { if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gsh.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return true,false } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return false,true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),nargv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gsh.BackGround { fmt.Fprintf(stderr,"--Ip- in Background pid[%d]%d(%v)\n",pid,len(argv),argv) gsh.BackGroundJobs = append(gsh.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gsh.LastRusage = rusage gsh.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return false,false } // Builtin Commands func (gshCtx *GshContext) sleep(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)repeat(argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)gen(argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // Remote Execution // 2020-0820 func Elapsed(from time.Time)(string){ elps := time.Now().Sub(from) if 1000000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%5d.%02ds]",elps/1000000000,(elps%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < elps { return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dms]",elps/1000000,(elps%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("[%3d.%03dus]",elps/1000,(elps%1000)) } } func abbtime(nanos int64)(string){ if 1000000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%02ds",nanos/1000000000,(nanos%1000000000)/10000000) }else if 1000000 < nanos { return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dms",nanos/1000000,(nanos%1000000)/1000) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%03dus",nanos/1000,(nanos%1000)) } } func abssize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func absize(size int64)(string){ fsize := float64(size) if 1024*1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.2fGiB",fsize/(1024*1024*1024)) }else if 1024*1024 < size { return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fMiB",fsize/(1024*1024)) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%8.3fKiB",fsize/1024) } } func abbspeed(totalB int64,ns int64)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGB/s",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMB/s",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKB/s",MBs*1000) } } func abspeed(totalB int64,ns time.Duration)(string){ MBs := (float64(totalB)/1000000) / (float64(ns)/1000000000) if 1000 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fGBps",MBs/1000) } if 1 <= MBs { return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fMBps",MBs) }else{ return fmt.Sprintf("%6.3fKBps",MBs*1000) } } func fileRelay(what string,in*os.File,out*os.File,size int64,bsiz int)(wcount int64){ Start := time.Now() buff := make([]byte,bsiz) var total int64 = 0 var rem int64 = size nio := 0 Prev := time.Now() var PrevSize int64 = 0 fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) START\n", what,absize(total),size,nio) for i:= 0; ; i++ { var len = bsiz if int(rem) < len { len = int(rem) } Now := time.Now() Elps := Now.Sub(Prev); if 1000000000 < Now.Sub(Prev) { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %s\n", what,absize(total),size,nio, abspeed((total-PrevSize),Elps)) Prev = Now; PrevSize = total } rlen := len if in != nil { // should watch the disconnection of out rcc,err := in.Read(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s read(%v,%v)<%v\n", what,rcc,err,in.Name()) break } rlen = rcc if string(buff[0:10]) == "((SoftEOF " { var ecc int64 = 0 fmt.Sscanf(string(buff),"((SoftEOF %v",&ecc) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s Recv ((SoftEOF %v))/%v\n", what,ecc,total) if ecc == total { break } } } wlen := rlen if out != nil { wcc,err := out.Write(buff[0:rlen]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"-En-- X: %s write(%v,%v)>%v\n", what,wcc,err,out.Name()) break } wlen = wcc } if wlen < rlen { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- X: %s incomplete write (%v/%v)\n", what,wlen,rlen) break; } nio += 1 total += int64(rlen) rem -= int64(rlen) if rem <= 0 { break } } Done := time.Now() Elps := float64(Done.Sub(Start))/1000000000 //Seconds TotalMB := float64(total)/1000000 //MB MBps := TotalMB / Elps fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- X: %s (%v/%v/%v) %v %.3fMB/s\n", what,total,size,nio,absize(total),MBps) return total } func tcpPush(clnt *os.File){ // shrink socket buffer and recover usleep(100); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecServer(argv[]string){ debug := true Start0 := time.Now() Start := Start0 // if local == ":" { local = "" } local := "" if 0 < len(argv) { if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } } if 0 < len(argv) { argv = argv[1:] } port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } reqbuf := make([]byte,LINESIZE) res := "" for { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Listening at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() Start = time.Now() if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } clnt, _ := aconn.File() fd := clnt.Fd() ar := aconn.RemoteAddr() if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start0)+"--In- S: Accepted TCP at %s [%d] <- %v\n", local,fd,ar) } res = fmt.Sprintf("220 GShell/%s Server\r\n",VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%s",res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %s",res) } count, err := clnt.Read(reqbuf) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- C: (%v %v) %v", count,err,string(reqbuf)) } req := string(reqbuf[:count]) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",string(req)) } reqv := strings.Split(string(req),"\r") cmdv := gshScanArg(reqv[0],0) //cmdv := strings.Split(reqv[0]," ") switch cmdv[0] { case "HELO": res = fmt.Sprintf("250 %v",req) case "GET": // download {remotefile|-zN} [localfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var in *os.File = nil var pseudoEOF = false if 1 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() in = xin dsize = MaxStreamSize pseudoEOF = true } }else{ xin,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- GET (%v)\n",err) }else{ defer xin.Close() in = xin fi,_ := xin.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() } } } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- GET %v:%v\n",dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 %v\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v",res) tcpPush(clnt); // should be separated as line in receiver fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) wcount := fileRelay("SendGET",in,clnt,dsize,bsize) if pseudoEOF { in.Close() // pipe from the command // show end of stream data (its size) by OOB? SoftEOF := fmt.Sprintf("((SoftEOF %v))",wcount) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: Send %v\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF data apper at the top of recevied data fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"%v\r\n",SoftEOF) tcpPush(clnt); // to let SoftEOF alone in a packet (separate with 200 OK) // with client generated random? //fmt.Printf("--In- L: close %v (%v)\n",in.Fd(),in.Name()) } res = fmt.Sprintf("200 GET done\r\n") case "PUT": // upload {srcfile|-zN} [dstfile] var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var fname string = "" var out *os.File = nil if 1 < len(cmdv) { // localfile fmt.Sscanf(cmdv[1],"%d",&dsize) } if 2 < len(cmdv) { fname = cmdv[2] if fname == "-" { // nul dev }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) //fmt.Printf("--In- S: open(%v) out(%v) err(%v)\n",fname,xout,err) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- PUT (%v)\n",err) }else{ out = xout } } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,w) %v (%v)\n", fname,local,err) } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: 200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fmt.Fprintf(clnt,"200 %v OK\r\n",dsize) fileRelay("RecvPUT",clnt,out,dsize,bsize) res = fmt.Sprintf("200 PUT done\r\n") default: res = fmt.Sprintf("400 What? %v",req) } swcc,serr := clnt.Write([]byte(res)) if serr != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: (wc=%v er=%v) %v",swcc,serr,res) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",res) } aconn.Close(); clnt.Close(); } sconn.Close(); } func (gsh*GshContext)RexecClient(argv[]string)(int,string){ debug := true Start := time.Now() if len(argv) == 1 { return -1,"EmptyARG" } argv = argv[1:] if argv[0] == "-serv" { gsh.RexecServer(argv[1:]) return 0,"Server" } remote := "" if argv[0][0] == '@' { remote = argv[0][1:] argv = argv[1:] } if argv[0] == "-s" { debug = false argv = argv[1:] } dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"AddressError" } fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connecting to %s\n",remote) serv, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return -1,"CannotConnect" } if debug { al := serv.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: Connected to %v <- %v\n",remote,al) } req := "" res := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count,err := serv.Read(res) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- S: (%3d,%v) %v",count,err,string(res)) } if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res)) } if argv[0] == "GET" { savPA := gsh.gshPA var bsize int = 64*1024 req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) fmt.Fprintf(serv,req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if err != nil { }else{ var dsize int64 = 0 var out *os.File = nil var out_tobeclosed *os.File = nil var fname string = "" var rcode int = 0 var pid int = -1 fmt.Sscanf(string(res),"%d %d",&rcode,&dsize) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) if 3 <= len(argv) { fname = argv[2] if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"w") if err { }else{ xin.Close() defer xout.Close() out = xout out_tobeclosed = xout pid = 0 // should be its pid } }else{ // should write to temporary file // should suppress ^C on tty xout,err := os.OpenFile(fname,os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Print("--En- %v\n",err) } out = xout //fmt.Printf("--In-- %d > %s\n",out.Fd(),fname) } } in,_ := serv.File() fileRelay("RecvGET",in,out,dsize,bsize) if 0 <= pid { gsh.gshPA = savPA // recovery of Fd(), and more? fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: close Pipe > %v\n",fname) out_tobeclosed.Close() //syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) //@@ } } }else if argv[0] == "PUT" { remote, _ := serv.File() var local *os.File = nil var dsize int64 = 32*1024*1024 var bsize int = 64*1024 var ofile string = "-" //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex %v\n",argv) if 1 < len(argv) { fname := argv[1] if strBegins(fname,"-z") { fmt.Sscanf(fname[2:],"%d",&dsize) }else if strBegins(fname,"{") { xin,xout,err := gsh.Popen(fname,"r") if err { }else{ xout.Close() defer xin.Close() //in = xin local = xin fmt.Printf("--In- [%d] < Upload output of %v\n", local.Fd(),fname) ofile = "-from."+fname dsize = MaxStreamSize } }else{ xlocal,err := os.Open(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--En- (%s)\n",err) local = nil }else{ local = xlocal fi,_ := local.Stat() dsize = fi.Size() defer local.Close() //fmt.Printf("--I-- Rex in(%v / %v)\n",ofile,dsize) } ofile = fname fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- L: open(%v,r)=%v %v (%v)\n", fname,dsize,local,err) } } if 2 < len(argv) && argv[2] != "" { ofile = argv[2] //fmt.Printf("(%d)%v B.ofile=%v\n",len(argv),argv,ofile) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--I-- Rex out(%v)\n",ofile) fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- PUT %v (/%v)\n",dsize,bsize) req = fmt.Sprintf("PUT %v %v \r\n",dsize,ofile) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) count,err = serv.Read(res) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",string(res[0:count])) } fileRelay("SendPUT",local,remote,dsize,bsize) }else{ req = fmt.Sprintf("%v\r\n",strings.Join(argv," ")) if debug { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- C: %v",req) } fmt.Fprintf(serv,"%v",req) //fmt.Printf("--In- sending RexRequest(%v)\n",len(req)) } //fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- waiting RexResponse...\n") count,err = serv.Read(res) ress := "" if count == 0 { ress = "(nil)\r\n" }else{ ress = string(res[:count]) } if err != nil { fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--En- S: (%d,%v) %v",count,err,ress) }else{ fmt.Printf(Elapsed(Start)+"--In- S: %v",ress) } serv.Close() //conn.Close() var stat string var rcode int fmt.Sscanf(ress,"%d %s",&rcode,&stat) //fmt.Printf("--D-- Client: %v (%v)",rcode,stat) return rcode,ress } // Remote Shell // gcp file [...] { [host]:[port:][dir] | dir } // -p | -no-p func (gsh*GshContext)FileCopy(argv[]string){ var host = "" var port = "" var upload = false var download = false var xargv = []string{"rex-gcp"} var srcv = []string{} var dstv = []string{} argv = argv[1:] for _,v := range argv { /* if v[0] == '-' { // might be a pseudo file (generated date) continue } */ obj := strings.Split(v,":") //fmt.Printf("%d %v %v\n",len(obj),v,obj) if 1 < len(obj) { host = obj[0] file := "" if 0 < len(host) { = host }else{ host = port = gsh.LastServer.port } if 2 < len(obj) { port = obj[1] if 0 < len(port) { gsh.LastServer.port = port }else{ port = gsh.LastServer.port } file = obj[2] }else{ file = obj[1] } if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,file) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,file) continue } /* idx := strings.Index(v,":") if 0 <= idx { remote = v[0:idx] if len(srcv) == 0 { download = true srcv = append(srcv,v[idx+1:]) continue } upload = true dstv = append(dstv,v[idx+1:]) continue } */ if download { dstv = append(dstv,v) }else{ srcv = append(srcv,v) } } hostport := "@" + host + ":" + port if upload { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"PUT") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v // %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy PUT gsh://%s/%v < %v\n",hostport,dstv,srcv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else if download { if host != "" { xargv = append(xargv,hostport) } xargv = append(xargv,"GET") xargv = append(xargv,srcv[0:]...) xargv = append(xargv,dstv[0:]...) //fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v // %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv,xargv) fmt.Printf("--I-- FileCopy GET gsh://%v/%v > %v\n",hostport,srcv,dstv) gsh.RexecClient(xargv) }else{ } } // target func (gsh*GshContext)Trelpath(rloc string)(string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(rloc) twd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(cwd) tpath := twd + "/" + rloc return tpath } // join to rmote GShell - [user@]host[:port] or cd host:[port]:path func (gsh*GshContext)Rjoin(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- current server = %v\n",gsh.RSERV) return } serv := argv[1] servv := strings.Split(serv,":") if 1 <= len(servv) { if servv[0] == "lo" { servv[0] = "localhost" } } switch len(servv) { case 1: //if strings.Index(serv,":") < 0 { serv = servv[0] + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d",GSH_PORT) //} case 2: // host:port serv = strings.Join(servv,":") } xargv := []string{"rex-join","@"+serv,"HELO"} rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) gsh.RSERV = serv }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG, could not joined (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rexec(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("--I-- rexec command [ | {file || {command} ]\n",gsh.RSERV) return } /* nargv := gshScanArg(strings.Join(argv," "),0) fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) if nargv[1][0] != '{' { nargv[1] = "{" + nargv[1] + "}" fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d [%v]\n",len(nargv),nargv) } argv = nargv */ nargv := []string{} nargv = append(nargv,"{"+strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")+"}") fmt.Printf("--D-- nargc=%d %v\n",len(nargv),nargv) argv = nargv xargv := []string{"rex-exec","@"+gsh.RSERV,"GET"} xargv = append(xargv,argv...) xargv = append(xargv,"/dev/tty") rcode,stat := gsh.RexecClient(xargv) if (rcode / 100) == 2 { fmt.Printf("--I-- OK Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) }else{ fmt.Printf("--I-- NG Rexec (%v) %v\n",rcode,stat) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Rchdir(argv[]string){ if len(argv) <= 1 { return } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) os.Chdir(argv[1]) twd, _ := os.Getwd() gsh.RWD = twd fmt.Printf("--I-- JWD=%v\n",twd) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rpwd(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%v\n",gsh.RWD) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rls(argv[]string){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() os.Chdir(gsh.RWD) argv[0] = "-ls" gsh.xFind(argv) os.Chdir(cwd) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rput(argv[]string){ var local string = "" var remote string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { local = argv[1] remote = local // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { remote = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jput from=%v to=%v\n",local,gsh.Trelpath(remote)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Rget(argv[]string){ var remote string = "" var local string = "" if 1 < len(argv) { remote = argv[1] local = remote // base name } if 2 < len(argv) { local = argv[2] } fmt.Printf("--I-- jget from=%v to=%v\n",gsh.Trelpath(remote),local) } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func (gshCtx*GshContext)sconnect(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func (gshCtx*GshContext)saccept(inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func (gshCtx*GshContext)xPwd(argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func (gshCtx *GshContext)xHistory(argv []string){ atWorkDirX := -1 if 1 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[1],"@") { atWorkDirX,_ = strconv.Atoi(argv[1][1:]) } //fmt.Printf("--D-- showHistory(%v)\n",argv) for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if 0 <= atWorkDirX { if v.WorkDirX != atWorkDirX { continue } } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("@%d ",v.WorkDirX) fmt.Printf("[%v] %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u\t// %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-at",argv) { // isin("-ls",argv){ dhi := v.WorkDirX // workdir history index fmt.Printf("@%d %s\t",dhi,v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } func (gsh*GshContext)cmdStringInHistory(hix int)(cmd string, ok bool){ if 0 <= hix && hix < len(gsh.CommandHistory) { return gsh.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine,true } return "",false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory1(i int,v GChdirHistory, argv []string){ fmt.Printf("!%-2d ",v.CmdIndex) // the first command at this WorkDir fmt.Printf("@%d ",i) fmt.Printf("[%v] ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } func (gsh*GshContext)ShowChdirHistory(argv []string){ for i, v := range gsh.ChdirHistory { gsh.ShowChdirHistory1(i,v,argv) } } func skipOpts(argv[]string)(int){ for i,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-") { }else{ return i } } return -1 } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xChdir(argv []string){ cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) || isin("-a",argv) { gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory(argv) return } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ i := skipOpts(argv[1:]) if i < 0 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1+i] } } if strBegins(dir,"@") { if dir == "@0" { // obsolete dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "@!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() hist1.CmdIndex = len(gshCtx.CommandHistory)+1 gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) if !isin("-s",argv){ //cwd, _ := os.Getwd() //fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) ix := len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory)-1 gshCtx.ShowChdirHistory1(ix,hist1,argv) } } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func sRusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ // ru[0] self , ru[1] children ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) uu := (ut.Sec*1000000 + int64(ut.Usec)) * 1000 su := (st.Sec*1000000 + int64(st.Usec)) * 1000 tu := uu + su ret := fmt.Sprintf("%v/sum",abbtime(tu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/usr",abbtime(uu)) ret += fmt.Sprintf(", %v/sys",abbtime(su)) return ret } func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xTime(argv[]string)(bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() fin := gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return false } } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xJobs(argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)inBackground(argv[]string)(bool){ if gsh.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gsh.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false xfin = gsh.gshellv(argv) gsh.BackGround = false return xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func (gshCtx*GshContext)xOpen(argv[]string){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) } func (gshCtx*GshContext)fromPipe(argv[]string){ } func (gshCtx*GshContext)xClose(argv[]string){ } // redirect func (gshCtx*GshContext)redirect(argv[]string)(bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx.gshellv(argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtxBuf, _ := setupGshContext() gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx.tgshelll(path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func (gshCtx *GshContext) httpServer(argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func (gshCtx *GshContext)xGo(argv[]string){ go gshCtx.gshellv(argv[1:]); } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPs(argv[]string)(){ } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func (gshCtx *GshContext) whichPlugin(name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func (gshCtx *GshContext) xPlugin(argv[]string) (error) { if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { gshCtx.whichPlugin("",argv) return nil } name := argv[0] Pin := gshCtx.whichPlugin(name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return err } func (gshCtx*GshContext)Args(argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func (gshCtx *GshContext) showVersion(argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if isin("-a",argv) { fmt.Printf(" %s",AUTHOR) } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Scanf // string decomposer // scanf [format] [input] func scanv(sstr string)(strv[]string){ strv = strings.Split(sstr," ") return strv } func scanUntil(src,end string)(rstr string,leng int){ idx := strings.Index(src,end) if 0 <= idx { rstr = src[0:idx] return rstr,idx+len(end) } return src,0 } // -bn -- display base-name part only // can be in some %fmt, for sed rewriting func (gsh*GshContext)printVal(fmts string, vstr string, optv[]string){ //vint,err := strconv.Atoi(vstr) var ival int64 = 0 n := 0 err := error(nil) if strBegins(vstr,"_") { vx,_ := strconv.Atoi(vstr[1:]) if vx < len(gsh.iValues) { vstr = gsh.iValues[vx] }else{ } } // should use Eval() if strBegins(vstr,"0x") { n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr[2:],"%x",&ival) }else{ n,err = fmt.Sscanf(vstr,"%d",&ival) //fmt.Printf("--D-- n=%d err=(%v) {%s}=%v\n",n,err,vstr, ival) } if n == 1 && err == nil { //fmt.Printf("--D-- formatn(%v) ival(%v)\n",fmts,ival) fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,ival) }else{ if isin("-bn",optv){ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,filepath.Base(vstr)) }else{ fmt.Printf("%"+fmts,vstr) } } } func (gsh*GshContext)printfv(fmts,div string,argv[]string,optv[]string,list[]string){ //fmt.Printf("{%d}",len(list)) //curfmt := "v" outlen := 0 curfmt := gsh.iFormat if 0 < len(fmts) { for xi := 0; xi < len(fmts); xi++ { fch := fmts[xi] if fch == '%' { if xi+1 < len(fmts) { curfmt = string(fmts[xi+1]) gsh.iFormat = curfmt xi += 1 if xi+1 < len(fmts) && fmts[xi+1] == '(' { vals,leng := scanUntil(fmts[xi+2:],")") //fmt.Printf("--D-- show fmt(%v) val(%v) next(%v)\n",curfmt,vals,leng) gsh.printVal(curfmt,vals,optv) xi += 2+leng-1 outlen += 1 } continue } } if fch == '_' { hi,leng := scanInt(fmts[xi+1:]) if 0 < leng { if hi < len(gsh.iValues) { gsh.printVal(curfmt,gsh.iValues[hi],optv) outlen += 1 // should be the real length }else{ fmt.Printf("((out-range))") } xi += leng continue; } } fmt.Printf("%c",fch) outlen += 1 } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--D-- print {%s}\n") for i,v := range list { if 0 < i { fmt.Printf(div) } gsh.printVal(curfmt,v,optv) outlen += 1 } } if 0 < outlen { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func (gsh*GshContext)Scanv(argv[]string){ //fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanv(%v)\n",argv) if len(argv) == 1 { return } argv = argv[1:] fmts := "" if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { fmts = argv[0] gsh.iDelimiter = fmts argv = argv[1:] } input := strings.Join(argv," ") if fmts == "" { // simple decomposition v := scanv(input) gsh.iValues = v //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(v,",")) }else{ v := make([]string,8) n,err := fmt.Sscanf(input,fmts,&v[0],&v[1],&v[2],&v[3]) fmt.Printf("--D-- Scanf ->(%v) n=%d err=(%v)\n",v,n,err) gsh.iValues = v } } func (gsh*GshContext)Printv(argv[]string){ if false { //@@U fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(argv[1:]," ")) return } //fmt.Printf("--D-- Printv(%v)\n",argv) //fmt.Printf("%v\n",strings.Join(gsh.iValues,",")) div := gsh.iDelimiter fmts := "" argv = argv[1:] if 0 < len(argv) { if strBegins(argv[0],"-F") { div = argv[0][2:] argv = argv[1:] } } optv := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if strBegins(v,"-"){ optv = append(optv,v) argv = argv[1:] }else{ break; } } if 0 < len(argv) { fmts = strings.Join(argv," ") } gsh.printfv(fmts,div,argv,optv,gsh.iValues) } func (gsh*GshContext)Basename(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValues { gsh.iValues[i] = filepath.Base(v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Sortv(argv[]string){ sv := gsh.iValues sort.Slice(sv , func(i,j int) bool { return sv[i] < sv[j] }) } func (gsh*GshContext)Shiftv(argv[]string){ vi := len(gsh.iValues) if 0 < vi { if isin("-r",argv) { top := gsh.iValues[0] gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues[1:],top) }else{ gsh.iValues = gsh.iValues[1:] } } } func (gsh*GshContext)Enq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Deq(argv[]string){ } func (gsh*GshContext)Push(argv[]string){ gsh.iValStack = append(gsh.iValStack,argv[1:]) fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",len(gsh.iValStack)) } func (gsh*GshContext)Dump(argv[]string){ for i,v := range gsh.iValStack { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n",i,v) } } func (gsh*GshContext)Pop(argv[]string){ depth := len(gsh.iValStack) if 0 < depth { v := gsh.iValStack[depth-1] if isin("-cat",argv){ gsh.iValues = append(gsh.iValues,v...) }else{ gsh.iValues = v } gsh.iValStack = gsh.iValStack[0:depth-1] fmt.Printf("depth=%d %s\n",len(gsh.iValStack),gsh.iValues) }else{ fmt.Printf("depth=%d\n",depth) } } // Command Interpreter func (gshCtx*GshContext)gshellv(argv []string) (fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // case cmd == "": gshCtx.xPwd([]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-xt": gshCtx.CmdTime = ! gshCtx.CmdTime case cmd == "-ot": gshCtx.sconnect(true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": gshCtx.sconnect(false, argv) case cmd == "-it": gshCtx.saccept(true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": gshCtx.saccept(false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": gshCtx.redirect(argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx.fromPipe(argv) case cmd == "args": gshCtx.Args(argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rfin := gshCtx.inBackground(argv[1:]) return rfin case cmd == "-bn": gshCtx.Basename(argv) case cmd == "call": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx.xChdir(argv); case cmd == "-cksum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "-sum": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "close": gshCtx.xClose(argv) case cmd == "gcp": gshCtx.FileCopy(argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": gshCtx.Dec(argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "dump": gshCtx.Dump(argv) case cmd == "echo": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": gshCtx.Enc(argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "exec": _,_ = gshCtx.excommand(true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return true case cmd == "fdls": // dump the attributes of fds (of other process) case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fu": gshCtx.xFind(argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gshCtx.gen(argv) case cmd == "-go": gshCtx.xGo(argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "gdeq": gshCtx.Deq(argv) case cmd == "genq": gshCtx.Enq(argv) case cmd == "gpop": gshCtx.Pop(argv) case cmd == "gpush": gshCtx.Push(argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx.xHistory(argv) case cmd == "jobs": gshCtx.xJobs(argv) case cmd == "lnsp": gshCtx.SplitLine(argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx.xFind(argv) case cmd == "nop": // do nothing case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx.xOpen(argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx.xPlugin(argv[1:]) case cmd == "print" || cmd == "-pr": // output internal slice // also sprintf should be gshCtx.Printv(argv) case cmd == "ps": gshCtx.xPs(argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "rexecd" || cmd == "rexd": gshCtx.RexecServer(argv) case cmd == "rexec" || cmd == "rex": gshCtx.RexecClient(argv) case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command gshCtx.repeat(argv) case cmd == "scan": // scan input (or so in fscanf) to internal slice (like Files or map) gshCtx.Scanv(argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": gshCtx.httpServer(argv) case cmd == "shift": gshCtx.Shiftv(argv) case cmd == "sleep": gshCtx.sleep(argv) case cmd == "-sort": gshCtx.Sortv(argv) case cmd == "j" || cmd == "join": gshCtx.Rjoin(argv) case cmd == "a" || cmd == "alpa": gshCtx.Rexec(argv) case cmd == "jcd" || cmd == "jchdir": gshCtx.Rchdir(argv) case cmd == "jget": gshCtx.Rget(argv) case cmd == "jls": gshCtx.Rls(argv) case cmd == "jput": gshCtx.Rput(argv) case cmd == "jpwd": gshCtx.Rpwd(argv) case cmd == "time": fin = gshCtx.xTime(argv) case cmd == "pwd": gshCtx.xPwd(argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": gshCtx.showVersion(argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if gshCtx.whichPlugin(cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx.xPlugin(argv) }else{ notfound,_ := gshCtx.excommand(false,argv) if notfound { fmt.Printf("--E-- command not found (%v)\n",cmd) } } } return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelll(gline string) (rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") fin := gsh.gshellv(argv) return fin } func (gsh*GshContext)tgshelll(gline string)(xfin bool){ start := time.Now() fin := gsh.gshelll(gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); if gsh.CmdTime { fmt.Printf("--T-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) } return fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyfile() string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func (gshCtx *GshContext) ttyline()(*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(gshCtx.ttyfile(),os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",gshCtx.ttyfile(),err) return file; } return file } func (gshCtx *GshContext)getline(hix int, skipping bool, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if true { return xgetline(hix,prevline,gshCtx) } /* else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := gshCtx.ttyline() tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() gline := string(buff[0:count]) return gline }else */ { // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } //== begin ======================================================= getline /* * getline.c * 2020-0819 extracted from dog.c * getline.go * 2020-0822 ported to Go */ /* package main // getline main import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "os" // os "syscall" // syscall //"bytes" // os //"os/exec" // os ) */ // C language compatibility functions var errno = 0 var stdin *os.File = os.Stdin var stdout *os.File = os.Stdout var stderr *os.File = os.Stderr var EOF = -1 var NULL = 0 type FILE os.File type StrBuff []byte var NULL_FP *os.File = nil var NULLSP = 0 //var LINESIZE = 1024 func system(cmdstr string)(int){ PA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the starting directory os.Environ(), []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, } argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") pid,err := syscall.ForkExec(argv[0],argv,&PA) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- syscall(%v) err(%v)\n",cmdstr,err) } syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,nil) /* argv := strings.Split(cmdstr," ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- system(%v)\n",argv) //cmd := exec.Command(argv[0:]...) cmd := exec.Command(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2]) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("output of system") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out var serr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &serr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--E-- system(%v)err(%v)\n",argv,err) fmt.Printf("ERR:%s\n",serr.String()) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",out.String()) } */ return 0 } func atoi(str string)(ret int){ ret,err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%d",ret) if err == nil { return ret }else{ // should set errno return 0 } } func getenv(name string)(string){ val,got := os.LookupEnv(name) if got { return val }else{ return "?" } } func strcpy(dst StrBuff, src string){ var i int srcb := []byte(src) for i = 0; i < len(src) && srcb[i] != 0; i++ { dst[i] = srcb[i] } dst[i] = 0 } func xstrcpy(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = src } func strcat(dst StrBuff, src StrBuff){ dst = append(dst,src...) } func strdup(str StrBuff)(string){ return string(str[0:strlen(str)]) } func sstrlen(str string)(int){ return len(str) } func strlen(str StrBuff)(int){ var i int for i = 0; i < len(str) && str[i] != 0; i++ { } return i } func sizeof(data StrBuff)(int){ return len(data) } func isatty(fd int)(ret int){ return 1 } func fopen(file string,mode string)(fp*os.File){ if mode == "r" { fp,err := os.Open(file) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- fopen(%s,%s)=(%v)\n",file,mode,err) return NULL_FP; } return fp; }else{ fp,err := os.OpenFile(file,os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if( err != nil ){ return NULL_FP; } return fp; } } func fclose(fp*os.File){ fp.Close() } func fflush(fp *os.File)(int){ return 0 } func fgetc(fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte _,err := fp.Read(buf[0:1]) if( err != nil ){ return EOF; }else{ return int(buf[0]) } } func sfgets(str*string, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ buf := make(StrBuff,size) var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fgets(buf StrBuff, size int, fp*os.File)(int){ var ch int var i int for i = 0; i < len(buf)-1; i++ { ch = fgetc(fp) //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d %X\n",i,len(buf),ch) if( ch == EOF ){ break; } buf[i] = byte(ch); if( ch == '\n' ){ break; } } buf[i] = 0 //fprintf(stderr,"--fgets %d/%d (%s)\n",i,len(buf),buf[0:i]) return i } func fputc(ch int , fp*os.File)(int){ var buf [1]byte buf[0] = byte(ch) fp.Write(buf[0:1]) return 0 } func fputs(buf StrBuff, fp*os.File)(int){ fp.Write(buf) return 0 } func xfputss(str string, fp*os.File)(int){ return fputs([]byte(str),fp) } func sscanf(str StrBuff,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Sscanf(string(str[0:strlen(str)]),fmts,params...) return 0 } func fprintf(fp*os.File,fmts string, params ...interface{})(int){ fmt.Fprintf(fp,fmts,params...) return 0 } // Command Line IME //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MyIME var MyIMEVER = "MyIME/0.0.2"; type RomKana struct { pat string; out string; } var dicents = 0 var romkana [1024]RomKana func readDic()(int){ var rk *os.File; var dic = "MyIME-dic.txt"; //rk = fopen("romkana.txt","r"); //rk = fopen("JK-JA-morse-dic.txt","r"); rk = fopen(dic,"r"); if( rk == NULL_FP ){ if( true ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- Could not load %s\n",MyIMEVER,dic); } return -1; } if( true ){ var di int; var line = make(StrBuff,1024); var pat string var out string for di = 0; di < 1024; di++ { if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),rk) == NULLSP ){ break; } fmt.Sscanf(string(line[0:strlen(line)]),"%s %s",&pat,&out); //sscanf(line,"%s %[^\r\n]",&pat,&out); romkana[di].pat = pat; romkana[di].out = out; //fprintf(stderr,"--Dd- %-10s %s\n",pat,out) } dicents += di if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"--%s-- loaded romkana.txt [%d]\n",MyIMEVER,di); for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n",romkana[di].pat,romkana[di].out); } } } fclose(rk); //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" //romkana[dicents].pat = "//ddump" // dump the dic. and clean the command input return 0; } func matchlen(stri string, pati string)(int){ if strBegins(stri,pati) { return len(pati) }else{ return 0 } } func convs(src string)(string){ var si int; var sx = len(src); var di int; var mi int; var dstb []byte for si = 0; si < sx; { // search max. match from the position if strBegins(src[si:],"%x/") { // %x/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 //fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%d",&iv) fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%x",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } if strBegins(src[si:],"%d/") { // %d/integer/ // s/a/b/ ix := strings.Index(src[si+3:],"/") if 0 < ix { var iv int = 0 fmt.Sscanf(src[si+3:si+3+ix],"%v",&iv) sval := fmt.Sprintf("%d",iv) bval := []byte(sval) dstb = append(dstb,bval...) si = si+3+ix+1 continue } } var maxlen int = 0; var len int; mi = -1; for di = 0; di < dicents; di++ { len = matchlen(src[si:],romkana[di].pat); if( maxlen < len ){ maxlen = len; mi = di; } } if( 0 < maxlen ){ out := romkana[mi].out; dstb = append(dstb,[]byte(out)...); si += maxlen; }else{ dstb = append(dstb,src[si]) si += 1; } } return string(dstb) } func trans(src string)(int){ dst := convs(src); xfputss(dst,stderr); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------- LINEEDIT // "?" at the top of the line means searching history var GO_UP = 201 var GO_DOWN = 202 var GO_RIGHT = 203 var GO_LEFT = 204 func getesc(in *os.File)(int){ var ch1 int var ch2 int ch1 = fgetc(in); ch2 = fgetc(in); if false { fprintf(stderr,"(%c/%X %c/%X)",ch1,ch1,ch2,ch2); } switch( ch1 ){ case '[': switch( ch2 ){ case 'A': return GO_UP; // ^ case 'B': return GO_DOWN; // v case 'C': return GO_RIGHT; // > case 'D': return GO_LEFT; // < } break; } return 0; } func clearline(){ var i int fprintf(stderr,"\r"); for i = 0; i < 80; i++ { fputc(' ',os.Stderr); } fprintf(stderr,"\r"); } var romkanmode bool; var insertmode int; func redraw(lno int,line string,right string){ var bsi int var rlen int var romkanmark string if( romkanmode ){ //romkanmark = " *"; }else{ romkanmark = ""; } clearline(); xfputss("\r",stderr); if( romkanmode ){ fprintf(stderr,"[\343\201\202r]"); //fprintf(stderr,"[R]"); } fprintf(stderr,"!%d! ",lno); if( romkanmode ){ trans(line); //fputs(romkanmark,stderr); trans(right); }else{ xfputss(line,stderr); //fputs(romkanmark,stderr); xfputss(right,stderr); } if true { //romkanmode { fprintf(stderr,"\r") if romkanmode { fprintf(stderr,"[\343\201\202r]"); fprintf(stderr,"!%d! ",lno); trans(line); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"!%d! ",lno); xfputss(line,stderr); } }else{ rlen = len(right) + len(romkanmark); if true { for bsi = 0; bsi < rlen; bsi++ { fputc('\b',stderr); } } } } func delHeadChar(str string)(rline string,head string){ _,clen := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)) head = string(str[0:clen]) return str[clen:],head } func delTailChar(str string)(rline string, last string){ var i = 0 var clen = 0 for { _,siz := utf8.DecodeRune([]byte(str)[i:]) if siz <= 0 { break } clen = siz i += siz } last = str[len(str)-clen:] return str[0:len(str)-clen],last } // 3> for output and history // 4> for keylog? // Command Line Editor func xgetline(lno int, prevline string, gsh*GshContext)(string){ lastlno := lno; line := "" right := "" //readDic(); if( isatty(0) == 0 ){ if( sfgets(&line,LINESIZE,stdin) == NULL ){ line = "exit\n"; }else{ } goto EXIT_GOT; } if( true ){ //var pts string; //pts = ptsname(0); //pts = ttyname(0); //fprintf(stderr,"--pts[0] = %s\n",pts?pts:"?"); } if( false ){ fprintf(stderr,"! "); fflush(stderr); sfgets(&line,LINESIZE,stdin); }else{ var ch int; system("/bin/stty -echo -icanon"); redraw(lno,line,right); line = "" right = "" pch := -1 for { if( pch != -1 ){ ch = pch pch = -1 }else{ ch = fgetc(stdin); } if( ch == 033 ){ ch = getesc(stdin); } if( ch == '\\' ){ fputc(ch,stderr) ch = fgetc(stdin) if( ch == 'j' || ch == 'J' ){ readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; if( ch == 'J' ){ fprintf(stderr,"J\r\n"); } redraw(lno,line,right); continue }else if( ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' ){ dst := convs(line+right); line = dst right = "" if( ch == 'I' ){ fprintf(stderr,"I\r\n"); } redraw(lno,line,right); continue }else{ pch = ch ch = '\\' } } switch( ch ){ case 0: continue; case GO_UP: if lno == 1 { continue } cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(lno-1) if ok { line = cmd right = "" lno = lno - 1 } redraw(lno,line,right); continue case GO_DOWN: cmd,ok := gsh.cmdStringInHistory(lno+1) if ok { line = cmd right = "" lno = lno + 1 }else{ line = "" right = "" if lno == lastlno-1 { lno = lno + 1 } } redraw(lno,line,right); continue case GO_LEFT: if 0 < len(line) { xline,tail := delTailChar(line) line = xline right = tail + right } redraw(lno,line,right); continue; case GO_RIGHT: if( 0 < len(right) && right[0] != 0 ){ xright,head := delHeadChar(right) right = xright line += head } redraw(lno,line,right); continue; case EOF: goto EXIT; case 'R'-0x40: // replace dst := convs(line+right); line = dst right = "" redraw(lno,line,right); continue; case 'T'-0x40: // just show the result readDic(); romkanmode = !romkanmode; redraw(lno,line,right); continue; case 'L'-0x40: redraw(lno,line,right); continue case 'K'-0x40: right = "" redraw(lno,line,right); continue case 'E'-0x40: line += right right = "" redraw(lno,line,right); continue case 'A'-0x40: right = line + right line = "" redraw(lno,line,right); continue case 'U'-0x40: line = "" right = "" clearline(); redraw(lno,line,right); continue; case 0x7F: // DEL if( 0 < len(line) ){ line,_ = delTailChar(line) redraw(lno,line,right); } continue; case 'H'-0x40: if( 0 < len(line) ){ line,_ = delTailChar(line) redraw(lno,line,right); } continue; } if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' ){ fputc(ch,stderr); break; } line += string(ch); redraw(lno,line,right); } EXIT: system("/bin/stty echo sane"); } //fprintf(stderr,"\r\nLINE:%s\r\n",line); EXIT_GOT: return line + right; } func getline_main(){ line := xgetline(0,"",nil) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",line); /* dp = strpbrk(line,"\r\n"); if( dp != NULL ){ *dp = 0; } if( 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n(%d)\n",int(strlen(line))); } if( lseek(3,0,0) == 0 ){ if( romkanmode ){ var buf [8*1024]byte; convs(line,buff); strcpy(line,buff); } write(3,line,strlen(line)); ftruncate(3,lseek(3,0,SEEK_CUR)); //fprintf(stderr,"outsize=%d\n",(int)lseek(3,0,SEEK_END)); lseek(3,0,SEEK_SET); close(3); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"\r\ngotline: "); trans(line); //printf("%s\n",line); printf("\n"); } */ } //== end ========================================================= getline // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func (gshCtx *GshContext)gshSetupHomedir()(bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now(),0} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, false, []PluginInfo{}, []string{}, " ", "v", ValueStack{}, GServer{"",""}, // LastServer "", // RSERV cwd, // RWD CheckSum{}, } err := gshCtx.gshSetupHomedir() return gshCtx, err } func (gsh*GshContext)gshelllh(gline string)(bool){ ghist := gsh.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.WorkDirX = len(gsh.ChdirHistory)-1 //fmt.Printf("--D--ChdirHistory(@%d)\n",len(gsh.ChdirHistory)) ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} fin := gsh.tgshelll(gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gsh.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gsh.CommandHistory = append(gsh.CommandHistory, ghist) return fin } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtxBuf,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtxBuf; } gshCtx := &gshCtxBuf //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() /* if false { gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } } */ ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := gshCtx.getline(hix,skipping,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } if false { os.Stdout.Write([]byte("gotline:")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } gline = strsubst(gshCtx,gline,true) if false { fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%v - %v\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%s - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%x - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("fmt.Printf %%U - %s\n",gline) fmt.Printf("Stouut.Write -") os.Stdout.Write([]byte(gline)) fmt.Printf("\n") } /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ fin := gshCtx.gshelllh(gline) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return *gshCtx } func main() { gshCtxBuf := GshContext{} gsh := &gshCtxBuf argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ gsh.showVersion(argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtxBuf,err := setupGshContext() gsh := &gshCtxBuf if !err { gsh.gshellv(argv[comx+1:]) } return } } if 1 < len(argv) && isin("-s",argv) { }else{ gsh.showVersion(append(argv,[]string{"-l","-a"}...)) } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function or macro // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME with completion using history and file names as dictionaies // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme // - filepath substitution shold be done by each command, expecially in case of builtins // - @N substition for the history of working directory, and @spec for more generic ones // - @dir prefix to do the command at there, that means like (chdir @dir; command) // - GSH_PATH for plugins // - standard command output: list of data with name, size, resouce usage, modified time // - generic sort key option -nm name, -sz size, -ru rusage, -ts start-time, -tm mod-time // -wc word-count, grep match line count, ... // - standard command execution result: a list of string, -tm, -ts, -ru, -sz, ... // - -tailf-filename like tail -f filename, repeat close and open before read // - max. size and max. duration and timeout of (generated) data transfer // - auto. numbering, aliasing, IME completion of file name (especially rm of quieer name) // - IME "?" at the top of the command line means searching history // - IME %d/0x10000/ %x/ffff/ // - IME ESC to go the edit mode like in vi, and use :command as :s/x/y/g to edit history // - gsh in WebAssembly // - gsh as a HTTP server of online-manual //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
*/ /*
Total Source of GShell

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