開発:それはそうと、これをやってて幾つか面白いことがわかりました。この流れていくGShellのロゴはdata URIで埋め込んであるのですが、base64エンコーディングして8KBを超えています。すると、ロゴの底の部分が切れる。おそらく8KBまでで切るという規約か、共通の実装のせいかと思います。ですが、途中で画像データが切れているのに、エラーにはしないで表示している。。。と思ったのですが、私がbase64にする時に末尾をちょん切ってました。そのような制限は無いようです (^-^; 治りました。
開発:JavaScriptは全然楽勝ですね。まあ、長大なHTMLを生成しちゃう言語ですからねえ。ただ、JavaScriptっていうと自動生成されたか何かで改行もなくごちゃっと詰め込まれているのをよく見るので、改行の概念が無いようなイメージを持っていたんですが、ちゃんと文字列定数の途中を改行で分けるときには行末にバックスラッシュを入れれば良いということが分かりました。ごく普通の言語なんですね。// で行末までコメントというのも、大変助かります。
開発:最初はCSSのurl()の中に長大なdata uri を入れるのに、改行を入れたのですが、やはりそのせいでダメ。HTMLは行末にバックスラッシュが無くてもクォーテーションが終わるまで読んでくれるので、そのへんの流儀が違うのが、そもそも生まれ育ち志向が違うんだろうなという感じはします。
開発:Safariのdata URIの処理に問題があるのだろうかと、この時は思ったんですが、どうやらちょん切れたPNGファイルを表示するのを拒否したようです。さっき直したのを食わせたらちゃんと動きました。
開発:あともう一点は、favicon の扱いです。これはlink relで書いているのですが、なぜか上の集合写真にあるように Firefox しか表示してくれない。

開発:なんでかと思ったら、どうもこの Goのコードに無理やりHTMLのフリをさせるために入れているコメント記号が邪魔をしているようなんです。この // やら /* をはずしてやれば、他のブラウザでもちゃんと見てくれます。

-- 2020-0817 SatoxITS
// /*GShell // a General purpose Shell built on the top of Golang
*/ /*Overview
To be written
Implementation Structures import struct Main functions str-expansion // macro processor finder // builtin find + du grep // builtin grep + wc + cksum + ... plugin // plugin commands system // external commands builtin // builtin commands network // socket handler redirect // StdIn/Out redireciton history // command history rusage // resouce usage encode // encode / decode getline // line editor interpreter // command interpreter main
Source Code
//// gsh - Go lang based Shell // (c) 2020 ITS more Co., Ltd. // 2020-0807 created by SatoxITS (sato@its-more.jp) package main // gsh main // Imported packages // Packages import ( "fmt" // fmt "strings" // strings "strconv" // strconv "sort" // sort "time" // time "bufio" // bufio "io/ioutil" // ioutil "os" // os "syscall" // syscall "plugin" // plugin "net" // net "net/http" // http //"html" // html "path/filepath" // filepath "go/types" // types "go/token" // token "encoding/base64" // base64 //"gshdata" // gshell's logo and source code ) var NAME = "gsh" var VERSION = "0.1.3" var DATE = "2020-0817b" var LINESIZE = (8*1024) var PATHSEP = ":" // should be ";" in Windows var DIRSEP = "/" // canbe \ in Windows var GSH_HOME = ".gsh" // under home directory var PROMPT = "> " // -xX logging control // --A-- all // --I-- info. // --D-- debug // --W-- warning // --E-- error // --F-- fatal error // Structures type GCommandHistory struct { StartAt time.Time // command line execution started at EndAt time.Time // command line execution ended at ResCode int // exit code of (external command) CmdError error // error string OutData *os.File // output of the command FoundFile []string // output - result of ufind Rusagev [2]syscall.Rusage // Resource consumption, CPU time or so CmdId int // maybe with identified with arguments or impact // redireciton commands should not be the CmdId WorkDir string // working directory at start CmdLine string // command line } type GChdirHistory struct { Dir string MovedAt time.Time } type CmdMode struct { BackGround bool } type PluginInfo struct { Spec *plugin.Plugin Addr plugin.Symbol Name string // maybe relative Path string // this is in Plugin but hidden } type GshContext struct { StartDir string // the current directory at the start GetLine string // gsh-getline command as a input line editor ChdirHistory []GChdirHistory // the 1st entry is wd at the start gshPA syscall.ProcAttr CommandHistory []GCommandHistory CmdCurrent GCommandHistory BackGround bool BackGroundJobs []int LastRusage syscall.Rusage GshHomeDir string TerminalId int CmdTrace bool PluginFuncs []PluginInfo } func strBegins(str, pat string)(bool){ if 0 < len(str){ yes := str[0:len(pat)] == pat //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,yes) return yes } //fmt.Printf("--D-- strBegins(%v,%v)=%v\n",str,pat,false) return false } func isin(what string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if v == what { return true } } return false } func isinX(what string,list[]string)(int){ for i,v := range list { if v == what { return i } } return -1 } func env(opts []string) { env := os.Environ() if isin("-s", opts){ sort.Slice(env, func(i,j int) bool { return env[i] < env[j] }) } for _, v := range env { fmt.Printf("%v\n",v) } } // - rewriting should be context dependent // - should postpone until the real point of evaluation // - should rewrite only known notation of symobl func scanInt(str string)(val int,leng int){ leng = -1 for i,ch := range str { if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' { leng = i+1 }else{ break } } if 0 < leng { ival,_ := strconv.Atoi(str[0:leng]) return ival,leng }else{ return 0,0 } } func substHistory(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,i int,rstr string)(leng int,rst string){ if len(str[i+1:]) == 0 { return 0,rstr } hi := 0 histlen := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) if str[i+1] == '!' { hi = histlen - 1 leng = 1 }else{ hi,leng = scanInt(str[i+1:]) if leng == 0 { return 0,rstr } if hi < 0 { hi = histlen + hi } } if 0 <= hi && hi < histlen { //fmt.Printf("--D-- %v(%c)\n",str[i+leng:],str[i+leng]) if 1 < len(str[i+leng:]) && str[i+leng:][1] == 'f' { leng += 1 xlist := []string{} list := gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].FoundFile for _,v := range list { //list[i] = escapeWhiteSP(v) xlist = append(xlist,escapeWhiteSP(v)) } //rstr += strings.Join(list," ") rstr += strings.Join(xlist," ") }else{ rstr += gshCtx.CommandHistory[hi].CmdLine } }else{ leng = 0 } return leng,rstr } func escapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ if len(str) == 0 { return "\\z" // empty, to be ignored } rstr := "" for _,ch := range str { switch ch { case '\\': rstr += "\\\\" case ' ': rstr += "\\s" case '\t': rstr += "\\t" case '\r': rstr += "\\r" case '\n': rstr += "\\n" default: rstr += string(ch) } } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSP(str string)(string){ // strip original escapes rstr := "" for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { ch := str[i] if ch == '\\' { if i+1 < len(str) { switch str[i+1] { case 'z': continue; } } } rstr += string(ch) } return rstr } func unescapeWhiteSPV(strv []string)([]string){ // strip original escapes ustrv := []string{} for _,v := range strv { ustrv = append(ustrv,unescapeWhiteSP(v)) } return ustrv } // str-expansion // - this should be a macro processor func strsubst(gshCtx *GshContext,str string,histonly bool) string { rstr := "" inEsc := 0 // escape characer mode for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { //fmt.Printf("--D--Subst %v:%v\n",i,str[i:]) ch := str[i] if inEsc == 0 { if ch == '!' { leng,xrstr := substHistory(gshCtx,str,i,rstr) if 0 < leng { i += leng rstr = xrstr continue } } switch ch { case '\\': inEsc = '\\'; continue case '%': inEsc = '%'; continue case '$': } } switch inEsc { case '\\': switch ch { case '\\': ch = '\\' case 's': ch = ' ' case 't': ch = '\t' case 'r': ch = '\r' case 'n': ch = '\n' case 'z': inEsc = 0; continue // empty, to be ignored } inEsc = 0 case '%': switch { case ch == '%': ch = '%' case ch == 'T': rstr = rstr + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) continue; default: // postpone the interpretation rstr = rstr + "%" + string(ch) continue; } inEsc = 0 } rstr = rstr + string(ch) } return rstr } func showFileInfo(path string, opts []string) { if isin("-l",opts) || isin("-ls",opts) { fi, _ := os.Stat(path) mod := fi.ModTime() date := mod.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%v %8v %s ",fi.Mode(),fi.Size(),date) } fmt.Printf("%s",path) if isin("-sp",opts) { fmt.Printf(" ") }else if ! isin("-n",opts) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func userHomeDir()(string,bool){ /* homedir,_ = os.UserHomeDir() // not implemented in older Golang */ homedir,found := os.LookupEnv("HOME") //fmt.Printf("--I-- HOME=%v(%v)\n",homedir,found) if !found { return "/tmp",found } return homedir,found } func toFullpath(path string) (fullpath string) { if path[0] == '/' { return path } pathv := strings.Split(path,DIRSEP) switch { case pathv[0] == ".": pathv[0], _ = os.Getwd() case pathv[0] == "..": // all ones should be interpreted cwd, _ := os.Getwd() ppathv := strings.Split(cwd,DIRSEP) pathv[0] = strings.Join(ppathv,DIRSEP) case pathv[0] == "~": pathv[0],_ = userHomeDir() default: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() pathv[0] = cwd + DIRSEP + pathv[0] } return strings.Join(pathv,DIRSEP) } func IsRegFile(path string)(bool){ fi, err := os.Stat(path) if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() return fm.IsRegular(); } return false } // Encode / Decode // Encoder func Enc(gshCtx *GshContext,argv[]string)(*GshContext){ file := os.Stdin buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) li := 0 encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdout) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := file.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } encoder.Write(buff[0:count]) } encoder.Close() return gshCtx } func Dec(gshCtx *GshContext,argv[]string)(*GshContext){ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding,os.Stdin) li := 0 buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) for li = 0; ; li++ { count, err := decoder.Read(buff) if count <= 0 { break } if err != nil { break } os.Stdout.Write(buff[0:count]) } return gshCtx } // lnsp [N] [-crlf][-C \\] func SplitLine(gshCtx *GshContext,argv[]string)(*GshContext){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,64*1024) ni := 0 toi := 0 for ni = 0; ; ni++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d (%v)\n",ni,toi,err) break } } off := 0 ilen := len(line) remlen := len(line) for oi := 0; 0 < remlen; oi++ { olen := remlen addnl := false if 72 < olen { olen = 72 addnl = true } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--D-- write %d [%d.%d] %d %d/%d/%d\n", toi,ni,oi,off,olen,remlen,ilen) toi += 1 os.Stdout.Write([]byte(line[0:olen])) if addnl { //os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\r\n")) os.Stdout.Write([]byte("\n")) } line = line[olen:] off += olen remlen -= olen } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- lnsp %d to %d\n",ni,toi) return gshCtx } // grep // "lines", "lin" or "lnp" for "(text) line processor" or "scanner" // a*,!ab,c, ... sequentioal combination of patterns // what "LINE" is should be definable // generic line-by-line processing // grep [-v] // cat -n -v // uniq [-c] // tail -f // sed s/x/y/ or awk // grep with line count like wc // rewrite contents if specified func xGrep(gshCtx GshContext,path string,rexpv[]string)(int){ file, err := os.OpenFile(path,os.O_RDONLY,0) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- grep %v (%v)\n",path,err) return -1 } defer file.Close() if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- grep %v %v\n",path,rexpv) } //reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,LINESIZE) reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file,80) li := 0 found := 0 for li = 0; ; li++ { line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if len(line) <= 0 { break } if 150 < len(line) { // maybe binary break; } if err != nil { break } if 0 <= strings.Index(string(line),rexpv[0]) { found += 1 fmt.Printf("%s:%d: %s",path,li,line) } } //fmt.Printf("total %d lines %s\n",li,path) //if( 0 < found ){ fmt.Printf("((found %d lines %s))\n",found,path); } return found } // Finder // finding files with it name and contents // file names are ORed // show the content with %x fmt list // ls -R // tar command by adding output type fileSum struct { Err int64 // access error or so Size int64 // content size DupSize int64 // content size from hard links Blocks int64 // number of blocks (of 512 bytes) DupBlocks int64 // Blocks pointed from hard links HLinks int64 // hard links Words int64 Lines int64 Files int64 Dirs int64 // the num. of directories SymLink int64 Flats int64 // the num. of flat files MaxDepth int64 MaxNamlen int64 // max. name length nextRepo time.Time } func showFusage(dir string,fusage *fileSum){ bsume := float64(((fusage.Blocks-fusage.DupBlocks)/2)*1024)/1000000.0 //bsumdup := float64((fusage.Blocks/2)*1024)/1000000.0 fmt.Printf("%v: %v files (%vd %vs %vh) %.6f MB (%.2f MBK)\n", dir, fusage.Files, fusage.Dirs, fusage.SymLink, fusage.HLinks, float64(fusage.Size)/1000000.0,bsume); } const ( S_IFMT = 0170000 S_IFCHR = 0020000 S_IFDIR = 0040000 S_IFREG = 0100000 S_IFLNK = 0120000 S_IFSOCK = 0140000 ) func cumFinfo(fsum *fileSum, path string, staterr error, fstat syscall.Stat_t, argv[]string,verb bool)(*fileSum){ now := time.Now() if time.Second <= now.Sub(fsum.nextRepo) { if !fsum.nextRepo.IsZero(){ tstmp := now.Format(time.Stamp) showFusage(tstmp,fsum) } fsum.nextRepo = now.Add(time.Second) } if staterr != nil { fsum.Err += 1 return fsum } fsum.Files += 1 if 1 < fstat.Nlink { // must count only once... // at least ignore ones in the same directory //if finfo.Mode().IsRegular() { if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG { fsum.HLinks += 1 fsum.DupBlocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //fmt.Printf("---Dup HardLink %v %s\n",fstat.Nlink,path) } } //fsum.Size += finfo.Size() fsum.Size += fstat.Size fsum.Blocks += int64(fstat.Blocks) //if verb { fmt.Printf("(%8dBlk) %s",fstat.Blocks/2,path) } if isin("-ls",argv){ //if verb { fmt.Printf("%4d %8d ",fstat.Blksize,fstat.Blocks) } // fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } //if finfo.IsDir() if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { fsum.Dirs += 1 } //if (finfo.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink) != 0 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { //if verb { fmt.Printf("symlink(%v,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } //{ fmt.Printf("symlink(%o,%s)\n",fstat.Mode,finfo.Name()) } fsum.SymLink += 1 } return fsum } func xxFindEntv(gshCtx GshContext,depth int,total *fileSum,dir string, dstat syscall.Stat_t, ei int, entv []string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(GshContext,*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) // sort entv /* if isin("-t",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].ModTime().Sub(filev[j].ModTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-u",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].AccTime().Sub(filev[j].AccTime()) }) } if isin("-U",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return 0 < filev[i].CreatTime().Sub(filev[j].CreatTime()) }) } */ /* if isin("-S",argv){ sort.Slice(filev, func(i,j int) bool { return filev[j].Size() < filev[i].Size() }) } */ for _,filename := range entv { for _,npat := range npatv { match := true if npat == "*" { match = true }else{ match, _ = filepath.Match(npat,filename) } path := dir + DIRSEP + filename if !match { continue } var fstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(path,&fstat) if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } continue; } if isin("-du",argv) && (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { // should not show size of directory in "-du" mode ... }else if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { if isin("-du",argv) { fmt.Printf("%d\t",fstat.Blocks/2) } showFileInfo(path,argv) } if true { // && isin("-du",argv) total = cumFinfo(total,path,staterr,fstat,argv,false) } /* if isin("-wc",argv) { } */ x := isinX("-grep",argv); // -grep will be convenient like -ls if 0 <= x && x+1 <= len(argv) { // -grep will be convenient like -ls if IsRegFile(path){ found := xGrep(gshCtx,path,argv[x+1:]) if 0 < found { foundv := gshCtx.CmdCurrent.FoundFile if len(foundv) < 10 { gshCtx.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = append(gshCtx.CmdCurrent.FoundFile,path) } } } } if !isin("-r0",argv) { // -d 0 in du, -depth n in find //total.Depth += 1 if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK { continue } if dstat.Rdev != fstat.Rdev { fmt.Printf("--I-- don't follow differnet device %v(%v) %v(%v)\n", dir,dstat.Rdev,path,fstat.Rdev) } if (fstat.Mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR { gshCtx,total = xxFind(gshCtx,depth+1,total,path,npatv,argv) } } } } return gshCtx,total } func xxFind(gshCtx GshContext,depth int,total *fileSum,dir string,npatv[]string,argv[]string)(GshContext,*fileSum){ nols := isin("-grep",argv) dirfile,oerr := os.OpenFile(dir,os.O_RDONLY,0) if oerr == nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- %v(%v)[%d]\n",dir,dirfile,dirfile.Fd()) defer dirfile.Close() }else{ } prev := *total var dstat syscall.Stat_t staterr := syscall.Lstat(dir,&dstat) // should be flstat if staterr != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",staterr) } return gshCtx,total } //filev,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) //_,err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // ReadDir() heavy and bad for huge directory /* if err != nil { if !isin("-w",argv){ fmt.Printf("ufind: %v\n",err) } return total } */ if depth == 0 { total = cumFinfo(total,dir,staterr,dstat,argv,true) if !nols && !isin("-s",argv) && (!isin("-du",argv) || isin("-a",argv)) { showFileInfo(dir,argv) } } // it it is not a directory, just scan it and finish for ei := 0; ; ei++ { entv,rderr := dirfile.Readdirnames(8*1024) if len(entv) == 0 || rderr != nil { //if rderr != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d] len=%d (%v)\n",ei,len(entv),rderr) } break } if 0 < ei { fmt.Printf("--I-- xxFind[%d] %d large-dir: %s\n",ei,len(entv),dir) } gshCtx,total = xxFindEntv(gshCtx,depth,total,dir,dstat,ei,entv,npatv,argv) } if isin("-du",argv) { // if in "du" mode fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n",(total.Blocks-prev.Blocks)/2,dir) } return gshCtx,total } // {ufind|fu|ls} [Files] [// Names] [-- Expressions] // Files is "." by default // Names is "*" by default // Expressions is "-print" by default for "ufind", or -du for "fu" command func xFind(gshCtx GshContext,argv[]string)(GshContext){ if 0 < len(argv) && strBegins(argv[0],"?"){ showFound(gshCtx,argv) return gshCtx } var total = fileSum{} npats := []string{} for _,v := range argv { if 0 < len(v) && v[0] != '-' { npats = append(npats,v) } if v == "//" { break } if v == "--" { break } if v == "-grep" { break } if v == "-ls" { break } } if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } cwd := "." // if to be fullpath ::: cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if len(npats) == 0 { npats = []string{"*"} } gshCtx,fusage := xxFind(gshCtx,0,&total,cwd,npats,argv) if !isin("-grep",argv) { showFusage("total",fusage) } return gshCtx } func showFiles(files[]string){ sp := "" for i,file := range files { if 0 < i { sp = " " } else { sp = "" } fmt.Printf(sp+"%s",escapeWhiteSP(file)) } } func showFound(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { if 0 < len(v.FoundFile) { fmt.Printf("!%d (%d) ",i,len(v.FoundFile)) if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("\n") for _,file := range v.FoundFile { fmt.Printf("") //sub number? showFileInfo(file,argv) } }else{ showFiles(v.FoundFile) fmt.Printf("\n") } } } } func showMatchFile(filev []os.FileInfo, npat,dir string, argv[]string)(string,bool){ fname := "" found := false for _,v := range filev { match, _ := filepath.Match(npat,(v.Name())) if match { fname = v.Name() found = true //fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n",i,v.Name()) showIfExecutable(fname,dir,argv) } } return fname,found } func showIfExecutable(name,dir string,argv[]string)(ffullpath string,ffound bool){ var fullpath string if strBegins(name,DIRSEP){ fullpath = name }else{ fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name } fi, err := os.Stat(fullpath) if err != nil { fullpath = dir + DIRSEP + name + ".go" fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath) } if err == nil { fm := fi.Mode() if fm.IsRegular() { // R_OK=4, W_OK=2, X_OK=1, F_OK=0 if syscall.Access(fullpath,5) == nil { ffullpath = fullpath ffound = true if ! isin("-s", argv) { showFileInfo(fullpath,argv) } } } } return ffullpath, ffound } func which(list string, argv []string) (fullpathv []string, itis bool){ if len(argv) <= 1 { fmt.Printf("Usage: which comand [-s] [-a] [-ls]\n") return []string{""}, false } path := argv[1] if strBegins(path,"/") { // should check if excecutable? _,exOK := showIfExecutable(path,"/",argv) fmt.Printf("--D-- %v exOK=%v\n",path,exOK) return []string{path},exOK } pathenv, efound := os.LookupEnv(list) if ! efound { fmt.Printf("--E-- which: no \"%s\" environment\n",list) return []string{""}, false } showall := isin("-a",argv) || 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") dirv := strings.Split(pathenv,PATHSEP) ffound := false ffullpath := path for _, dir := range dirv { if 0 <= strings.Index(path,"*") { // by wild-card list,_ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) ffullpath, ffound = showMatchFile(list,path,dir,argv) }else{ ffullpath, ffound = showIfExecutable(path,dir,argv) } //if ffound && !isin("-a", argv) { if ffound && !showall { break; } } return []string{ffullpath}, ffound } func stripLeadingWSParg(argv[]string)([]string){ for ; 0 < len(argv); { if len(argv[0]) == 0 { argv = argv[1:] }else{ break } } return argv } func xEval(argv []string, nlend bool){ argv = stripLeadingWSParg(argv) if len(argv) == 0 { fmt.Printf("eval [%%format] [Go-expression]\n") return } pfmt := "%v" if argv[0][0] == '%' { pfmt = argv[0] argv = argv[1:] } if len(argv) == 0 { return } gocode := strings.Join(argv," "); //fmt.Printf("eval [%v] [%v]\n",pfmt,gocode) fset := token.NewFileSet() rval, _ := types.Eval(fset,nil,token.NoPos,gocode) fmt.Printf(pfmt,rval.Value) if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n") } } func getval(name string) (found bool, val int) { /* should expand the name here */ if name == "gsh.pid" { return true, os.Getpid() }else if name == "gsh.ppid" { return true, os.Getppid() } return false, 0 } func echo(argv []string, nlend bool){ for ai := 1; ai < len(argv); ai++ { if 1 < ai { fmt.Printf(" "); } arg := argv[ai] found, val := getval(arg) if found { fmt.Printf("%d",val) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s",arg) } } if nlend { fmt.Printf("\n"); } } func resfile() string { return "gsh.tmp" } //var resF *File func resmap() { //_ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend) // https://developpaper.com/solution-to-golang-bad-file-descriptor-problem/ _ , err := os.OpenFile(resfile(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("refF could not open: %s\n",err) }else{ fmt.Printf("refF opened\n") } } // External commands func excommand(gshCtx GshContext, exec bool, argv []string) (GshContext, bool) { if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- excommand[%v](%v)\n",exec,argv) } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA fullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which",argv[0],"-s"}) if itis == false { return gshCtx, true } fullpath := fullpathv[0] argv = unescapeWhiteSPV(argv) if 0 < strings.Index(fullpath,".go") { nargv := argv // []string{} gofullpathv, itis := which("PATH",[]string{"which","go","-s"}) if itis == false { fmt.Printf("--F-- Go not found\n") return gshCtx, true } gofullpath := gofullpathv[0] nargv = []string{ gofullpath, "run", fullpath } fmt.Printf("--I-- %s {%s %s %s}\n",gofullpath, nargv[0],nargv[1],nargv[2]) if exec { syscall.Exec(gofullpath,nargv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(gofullpath,nargv,&gshPA) if gshCtx.BackGround { fmt.Printf("--I-- in Background [%d]\n",pid) gshCtx.BackGroundJobs = append(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage) gshCtx.LastRusage = rusage gshCtx.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } }else{ if exec { syscall.Exec(fullpath,argv,os.Environ()) }else{ pid, _ := syscall.ForkExec(fullpath,argv,&gshPA) //fmt.Printf("[%d]\n",pid); // '&' to be background if gshCtx.BackGround { fmt.Printf("--I-- in Background [%d]\n",pid) gshCtx.BackGroundJobs = append(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs,pid) }else{ rusage := syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,0,&rusage); gshCtx.LastRusage = rusage gshCtx.CmdCurrent.Rusagev[1] = rusage } } } return gshCtx, false } // Builtin Commands func sleep(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Sleep 100ms, 100us, 100ns, ...\n") return } duration := argv[1]; d, err := time.ParseDuration(duration) if err != nil { d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration+"s") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("duration ? %s (%s)\n",duration,err) return } } //fmt.Printf("Sleep %v\n",duration) time.Sleep(d) if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) } } func repeat(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) { if len(argv) < 2 { return } start0 := time.Now() for ri,_ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]); 0 < ri; ri-- { if 0 < len(argv[2:]) { //start := time.Now() gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start0); if( 1000000000 < elps ){ fmt.Printf("(repeat#%d %v)\n",ri,elps); } } } } func gen(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s N\n",argv[0]) return } // should br repeated by "repeat" command count, _ := strconv.Atoi(argv[1]) fd := gshPA.Files[1] // Stdout file := os.NewFile(fd,"internalStdOut") fmt.Printf("--I-- Gen. Count=%d to [%d]\n",count,file.Fd()) //buf := []byte{} outdata := "0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678 0123 5678\r" for gi := 0; gi < count; gi++ { file.WriteString(outdata) } //file.WriteString("\n") fmt.Printf("\n(%d B)\n",count*len(outdata)); //file.Close() } // network // -s, -si, -so // bi-directional, source, sync (maybe socket) func sconnect(gshCtx GshContext, inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -s [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } remote := argv[1] if remote == ":" { remote = "" } if inTCP { // TCP dport, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s, socket[%d]\n",remote,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() }else{ //dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",remote); dport, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",remote); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } //conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4",nil,dport) conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp",nil,dport) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Connection error: %s (%s)\n",remote,err) return } file, _ := conn.File(); fd := file.Fd() ar := conn.RemoteAddr() //al := conn.LocalAddr() fmt.Printf("Socket: connected to %s [%s], socket[%d]\n", remote,ar.String(),fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[1] gshPA.Files[1] = fd; gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[1] = savfd file.Close() conn.Close() } } func saccept(gshCtx GshContext, inTCP bool, argv []string) { gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA if len(argv) < 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: -ac [host]:[port[.udp]]\n") return } local := argv[1] if local == ":" { local = "" } if inTCP { // TCP port, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Listen at %s...\n",local); sconn, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } //fmt.Printf("Accepting at %s...\n",local); aconn, err := sconn.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Accept error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := aconn.File() fd := file.Fd() fmt.Printf("Accepted TCP at %s [%d]\n",local,fd) savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[0] = savfd sconn.Close(); aconn.Close(); file.Close(); }else{ //port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4",local); port, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp",local); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Address error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } fmt.Printf("Listen UDP at %s...\n",local); //uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", port) uconn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", port) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Listen error: %s (%s)\n",local,err) return } file, _ := uconn.File() fd := file.Fd() ar := uconn.RemoteAddr() remote := "" if ar != nil { remote = ar.String() } if remote == "" { remote = "?" } // not yet received //fmt.Printf("Accepted at %s [%d] <- %s\n",local,fd,"") savfd := gshPA.Files[0] gshPA.Files[0] = fd; savenv := gshPA.Env gshPA.Env = append(savenv, "REMOTE_HOST="+remote) gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) gshPA.Env = savenv gshPA.Files[0] = savfd uconn.Close(); file.Close(); } } // empty line command func xPwd(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string){ // execute context command, pwd + date // context notation, representation scheme, to be resumed at re-login cwd, _ := os.Getwd() switch { case isin("-a",argv): xChdirHistory(gshCtx,argv) case isin("-ls",argv): showFileInfo(cwd,argv) default: fmt.Printf("%s\n",cwd) case isin("-v",argv): // obsolete emtpy command t := time.Now() date := t.Format(time.UnixDate) exe, _ := os.Executable() host, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Printf("{PWD=\"%s\"",cwd) fmt.Printf(" HOST=\"%s\"",host) fmt.Printf(" DATE=\"%s\"",date) fmt.Printf(" TIME=\"%s\"",t.String()) fmt.Printf(" PID=\"%d\"",os.Getpid()) fmt.Printf(" EXE=\"%s\"",exe) fmt.Printf("}\n") } } // History // these should be browsed and edited by HTTP browser // show the time of command with -t and direcotry with -ls // openfile-history, sort by -a -m -c // sort by elapsed time by -t -s // search by "more" like interface // edit history // sort history, and wc or uniq // CPU and other resource consumptions // limit showing range (by time or so) // export / import history func xHistory(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) (rgshCtx GshContext) { for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { // exclude commands not to be listed by default // internal commands may be suppressed by default if v.CmdLine == "" && !isin("-a",argv) { continue; } if !isin("-n",argv){ // like "fc" fmt.Printf("!%-3d ",i) } if isin("-v",argv){ fmt.Println(v) // should be with it date }else{ if isin("-l",argv) || isin("-l0",argv) { elps := v.EndAt.Sub(v.StartAt); start := v.StartAt.Format(time.Stamp) fmt.Printf("%s %11v/t ",start,elps) } if isin("-l",argv) && !isin("-l0",argv){ fmt.Printf("%v",Rusagef("%t %u %s",argv,v.Rusagev)) } if isin("-ls",argv){ fmt.Printf("@%s ",v.WorkDir) // show the FileInfo of the output command?? } fmt.Printf("%s",v.CmdLine) fmt.Printf("\n") } } return gshCtx } // !n - history index func searchHistory(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (string, bool, bool){ if gline[0] == '!' { hix, err := strconv.Atoi(gline[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s : range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } if hix < 0 || len(gshCtx.CommandHistory) <= hix { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%d : out of range)\n",hix) return "", false, true } return gshCtx.CommandHistory[hix].CmdLine, false, false } // search //for i, v := range gshCtx.CommandHistory { //} return gline, false, false } // temporary adding to PATH environment // cd name -lib for LD_LIBRARY_PATH // chdir with directory history (date + full-path) // -s for sort option (by visit date or so) func xChdirHistory(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string){ for i, v := range gshCtx.ChdirHistory { fmt.Printf("!%d ",i) fmt.Printf("%v ",v.MovedAt.Format(time.Stamp)) showFileInfo(v.Dir,argv) } } func xChdir(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) (rgshCtx GshContext) { cdhist := gshCtx.ChdirHistory if isin("?",argv ) || isin("-t",argv) { xChdirHistory(gshCtx,argv) return gshCtx } pwd, _ := os.Getwd() dir := "" if len(argv) <= 1 { dir = toFullpath("~") }else{ dir = argv[1] } if strBegins(dir,"!") { if dir == "!0" { dir = gshCtx.StartDir }else if dir == "!!" { index := len(cdhist) - 1 if 0 < index { index -= 1 } dir = cdhist[index].Dir }else{ index, err := strconv.Atoi(dir[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%v)\n",err) dir = "?" }else if len(gshCtx.ChdirHistory) <= index { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(history range error)\n") dir = "?" }else{ dir = cdhist[index].Dir } } } if dir != "?" { err := os.Chdir(dir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- xChdir(%s)(%v)\n",argv[1],err) }else{ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() if cwd != pwd { hist1 := GChdirHistory { } hist1.Dir = cwd hist1.MovedAt = time.Now() gshCtx.ChdirHistory = append(cdhist,hist1) } } } if isin("-ls",argv){ cwd, _ := os.Getwd() showFileInfo(cwd,argv); } return gshCtx } func TimeValSub(tv1 *syscall.Timeval, tv2 *syscall.Timeval){ *tv1 = syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() - tv2.Nano()) } func RusageSubv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Utime,&ru2[0].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[0].Stime,&ru2[0].Stime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Utime,&ru2[1].Utime) TimeValSub(&ru1[1].Stime,&ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } func TimeValAdd(tv1 syscall.Timeval, tv2 syscall.Timeval)(syscall.Timeval){ tvs := syscall.NsecToTimeval(tv1.Nano() + tv2.Nano()) return tvs } /* func RusageAddv(ru1, ru2 [2]syscall.Rusage)([2]syscall.Rusage){ TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Utime,ru2[0].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[0].Stime,ru2[0].Stime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Utime,ru2[1].Utime) TimeValAdd(ru1[1].Stime,ru2[1].Stime) return ru1 } */ // Resource Usage func Rusagef(fmtspec string, argv []string, ru [2]syscall.Rusage)(string){ ut := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Utime,ru[1].Utime) st := TimeValAdd(ru[0].Stime,ru[1].Stime) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/u ",ut.Sec,ut.Usec) //ru[1].Utime.Sec,ru[1].Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf("%d.%06ds/s ",st.Sec,st.Usec) //ru[1].Stime.Sec,ru[1].Stime.Usec) return "" } func Getrusagev()([2]syscall.Rusage){ var ruv = [2]syscall.Rusage{} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&ruv[0]) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&ruv[1]) return ruv } func showRusage(what string,argv []string, ru *syscall.Rusage){ fmt.Printf("%s: ",what); fmt.Printf("Usr=%d.%06ds",ru.Utime.Sec,ru.Utime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Sys=%d.%06ds",ru.Stime.Sec,ru.Stime.Usec) fmt.Printf(" Rss=%vB",ru.Maxrss) if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" MinFlt=%v",ru.Minflt) fmt.Printf(" MajFlt=%v",ru.Majflt) fmt.Printf(" IxRSS=%vB",ru.Ixrss) fmt.Printf(" IdRSS=%vB",ru.Idrss) fmt.Printf(" Nswap=%vB",ru.Nswap) fmt.Printf(" Read=%v",ru.Inblock) fmt.Printf(" Write=%v",ru.Oublock) } fmt.Printf(" Snd=%v",ru.Msgsnd) fmt.Printf(" Rcv=%v",ru.Msgrcv) //if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf(" Sig=%v",ru.Nsignals) //} fmt.Printf("\n"); } func xTime(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext,bool){ if 2 <= len(argv){ gshCtx.LastRusage = syscall.Rusage{} rusagev1 := Getrusagev() xgshCtx, fin := gshellv(gshCtx,argv[1:]) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() gshCtx = xgshCtx showRusage(argv[1],argv,&gshCtx.LastRusage) rusagev := RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) showRusage("self",argv,&rusagev[0]) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusagev[1]) return gshCtx, fin }else{ rusage:= syscall.Rusage {} syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_SELF,&rusage) showRusage("self",argv, &rusage) syscall.Getrusage(syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN,&rusage) showRusage("chld",argv, &rusage) return gshCtx, false } } func xJobs(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string){ fmt.Printf("%d Jobs\n",len(gshCtx.BackGroundJobs)) for ji, pid := range gshCtx.BackGroundJobs { //wstat := syscall.WaitStatus {0} rusage := syscall.Rusage {} //wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,&wstat,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); wpid, err := syscall.Wait4(pid,nil,syscall.WNOHANG,&rusage); if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- %%%d [%d] (%v)\n",ji,pid,err) }else{ fmt.Printf("%%%d[%d](%d)\n",ji,pid,wpid) showRusage("chld",argv,&rusage) } } } func inBackground(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext,bool){ if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Printf("--I-- inBackground(%v)\n",argv) } gshCtx.BackGround = true // set background option xfin := false gshCtx, xfin = gshellv(gshCtx,argv) gshCtx.BackGround = false return gshCtx,xfin } // -o file without command means just opening it and refer by #N // should be listed by "files" comnmand func xOpen(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext){ var pv = []int{-1,-1} err := syscall.Pipe(pv) fmt.Printf("--I-- pipe()=[#%d,#%d](%v)\n",pv[0],pv[1],err) return gshCtx } func fromPipe(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext){ return gshCtx } func xClose(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext){ return gshCtx } // redirect func redirect(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext,bool){ if len(argv) < 2 { return gshCtx, false } cmd := argv[0] fname := argv[1] var file *os.File = nil fdix := 0 mode := os.O_RDONLY switch { case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<": fdix = 0 mode = os.O_RDONLY case cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE case cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>": fdix = 1 mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND } if fname[0] == '#' { fd, err := strconv.Atoi(fname[1:]) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%v)\n",err) return gshCtx, false } file = os.NewFile(uintptr(fd),"MaybePipe") }else{ xfile, err := os.OpenFile(argv[1], mode, 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- (%s)\n",err) return gshCtx, false } file = xfile } gshPA := gshCtx.gshPA savfd := gshPA.Files[fdix] gshPA.Files[fdix] = file.Fd() fmt.Printf("--I-- Opened [%d] %s\n",file.Fd(),argv[1]) gshCtx, _ = gshellv(gshCtx, argv[2:]) gshPA.Files[fdix] = savfd return gshCtx, false } //fmt.Fprintf(res, "GShell Status: %q", html.EscapeString(req.URL.Path)) func httpHandler(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){ path := req.URL.Path fmt.Printf("--I-- Got HTTP Request(%s)\n",path) { gshCtx, _ := setupGshContext() fmt.Printf("--I-- %s\n",path[1:]) gshCtx, _ = tgshelll(gshCtx,path[1:]) } fmt.Fprintf(res, "Hello(^-^)/\n%s\n",path) } func httpServer(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string){ http.HandleFunc("/", httpHandler) accport := "localhost:9999" fmt.Printf("--I-- HTTP Server Start at [%s]\n",accport) http.ListenAndServe(accport,nil) } func xGo(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string){ go gshellv(gshCtx,argv[1:]); } func xPs(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext){ return gshCtx } // Plugin // plugin [-ls [names]] to list plugins // Reference: plugin source code func whichPlugin(gshCtx GshContext,name string,argv[]string)(pi *PluginInfo){ pi = nil for _,p := range gshCtx.PluginFuncs { if p.Name == name && pi == nil { pi = &p } if !isin("-s",argv){ //fmt.Printf("%v %v ",i,p) if isin("-ls",argv){ showFileInfo(p.Path,argv) }else{ fmt.Printf("%s\n",p.Name) } } } return pi } func xPlugin(gshCtx GshContext, argv[]string)(GshContext,error){ if len(argv) == 0 || argv[0] == "-ls" { whichPlugin(gshCtx,"",argv) return gshCtx, nil } name := argv[0] Pin := whichPlugin(gshCtx,name,[]string{"-s"}) if Pin != nil { os.Args = argv // should be recovered? Pin.Addr.(func())() return gshCtx,nil } sofile := toFullpath(argv[0] + ".so") // or find it by which($PATH) p, err := plugin.Open(sofile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Open(%s)(%v)\n",sofile,err) return gshCtx, err } fname := "Main" f, err := p.Lookup(fname) if( err != nil ){ fmt.Printf("--E-- plugin.Lookup(%s)(%v)\n",fname,err) return gshCtx, err } pin := PluginInfo {p,f,name,sofile} gshCtx.PluginFuncs = append(gshCtx.PluginFuncs,pin) fmt.Printf("--I-- added (%d)\n",len(gshCtx.PluginFuncs)) //fmt.Printf("--I-- first call(%s:%s)%v\n",sofile,fname,argv) os.Args = argv f.(func())() return gshCtx, err } func Args(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ for i,v := range os.Args { fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n",i,v) } } func Version(gshCtx *GshContext, argv[]string){ if isin("-l",argv) { fmt.Printf("%v/%v (%v)",NAME,VERSION,DATE); }else{ fmt.Printf("%v",VERSION); } if !isin("-n",argv) { fmt.Printf("\n") } } // Command Interpreter func gshellv(gshCtx GshContext, argv []string) (_ GshContext, fin bool) { fin = false if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv((%d))\n",len(argv)) } if len(argv) <= 0 { return gshCtx, false } xargv := []string{} for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { xargv = append(xargv,strsubst(&gshCtx,argv[ai],false)) } argv = xargv if false { for ai := 0; ai < len(argv); ai++ { fmt.Printf("[%d] %s [%d]%T\n", ai,argv[ai],len(argv[ai]),argv[ai]) } } cmd := argv[0] if gshCtx.CmdTrace { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr,"--I-- gshellv(%d)%v\n",len(argv),argv) } switch { // https://tour.golang.org/flowcontrol/11 case cmd == "": xPwd(gshCtx,[]string{}); // emtpy command case cmd == "-x": gshCtx.CmdTrace = ! gshCtx.CmdTrace case cmd == "-ot": sconnect(gshCtx, true, argv) case cmd == "-ou": sconnect(gshCtx, false, argv) case cmd == "-it": saccept(gshCtx, true , argv) case cmd == "-iu": saccept(gshCtx, false, argv) case cmd == "-i" || cmd == "<" || cmd == "-o" || cmd == ">" || cmd == "-a" || cmd == ">>" || cmd == "-s" || cmd == "><": redirect(gshCtx, argv) case cmd == "|": gshCtx = fromPipe(gshCtx, argv) case cmd == "args": Args(&gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "bg" || cmd == "-bg": rgshCtx, rfin := inBackground(gshCtx,argv[1:]) return rgshCtx, rfin case cmd == "call": gshCtx, _ = excommand(gshCtx, false,argv[1:]) case cmd == "cd" || cmd == "chdir": gshCtx = xChdir(gshCtx,argv); case cmd == "close": gshCtx = xClose(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "dec" || cmd == "decode": Dec(&gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "#define": case cmd == "echo": echo(argv,true) case cmd == "enc" || cmd == "encode": Enc(&gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "env": env(argv) case cmd == "eval": xEval(argv[1:],true) case cmd == "exec": gshCtx, _ = excommand(gshCtx, true,argv[1:]) // should not return here case cmd == "exit" || cmd == "quit": // write Result code EXIT to 3> return gshCtx, true case cmd == "-find" || cmd == "fin" || cmd == "ufind" || cmd == "uf" || cmd == "fu": gshCtx = xFind(gshCtx,argv[1:]) case cmd == "fork": // mainly for a server case cmd == "-gen": gen(gshCtx, argv) case cmd == "-go": xGo(gshCtx, argv) case cmd == "-grep": gshCtx = xFind(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "history" || cmd == "hi": // hi should be alias gshCtx = xHistory(gshCtx, argv) case cmd == "jobs": xJobs(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "-ls": gshCtx = xFind(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "nop": case cmd == "pipe": gshCtx = xOpen(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "plug" || cmd == "plugin" || cmd == "pin": gshCtx,_ = xPlugin(gshCtx,argv[1:]) case cmd == "ps": xPs(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "pstitle": // to be gsh.title case cmd == "repeat" || cmd == "rep": // repeat cond command repeat(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "set": // set name ... case cmd == "serv": httpServer(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "sleep": sleep(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "lnsp": SplitLine(&gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "time": gshCtx, fin = xTime(gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "pwd": xPwd(gshCtx,argv); case cmd == "ver" || cmd == "-ver" || cmd == "version": Version(&gshCtx,argv) case cmd == "where": // data file or so? case cmd == "which": which("PATH",argv); default: if whichPlugin(gshCtx,cmd,[]string{"-s"}) != nil { gshCtx, _ = xPlugin(gshCtx,argv) }else{ gshCtx, _ = excommand(gshCtx,false,argv) } } return gshCtx, fin } func gshelll(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (gx GshContext, rfin bool) { argv := strings.Split(string(gline)," ") gshCtx, fin := gshellv(gshCtx,argv) return gshCtx, fin } func tgshelll(gshCtx GshContext, gline string) (gx GshContext, xfin bool) { start := time.Now() gshCtx, fin := gshelll(gshCtx,gline) end := time.Now() elps := end.Sub(start); fmt.Printf("--I-- " + time.Now().Format(time.Stamp) + "(%d.%09ds)\n", elps/1000000000,elps%1000000000) return gshCtx, fin } func Ttyid() (int) { fi, err := os.Stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return 0; } //fmt.Printf("Stdin: %v Dev=%d\n", // fi.Mode(),fi.Mode()&os.ModeDevice) if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeDevice) != 0 { stat := syscall.Stat_t{}; err := syscall.Fstat(0,&stat) if err != nil { //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: (%v)\n",err) }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: rdev=%d %d\n", // stat.Rdev&0xFF,stat.Rdev); //fmt.Printf("--I-- Stdin: tty%d\n",stat.Rdev&0xFF); return int(stat.Rdev & 0xFF) } } return 0 } func ttyfile(gshCtx GshContext) string { //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) ttyfile := gshCtx.GshHomeDir + "/" + "gsh-tty" + fmt.Sprintf("%02d",gshCtx.TerminalId) //strconv.Itoa(gshCtx.TerminalId) //fmt.Printf("--I-- ttyfile=%s\n",ttyfile) return ttyfile } func ttyline(gshCtx GshContext) (*os.File){ file, err := os.OpenFile(ttyfile(gshCtx), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- cannot open %s (%s)\n",ttyfile(gshCtx),err) return file; } return file } // Command Line Editor func getline(gshCtx GshContext, hix int, skipping, with_exgetline bool, gsh_getlinev[]string, prevline string) (string) { if( skipping ){ reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) }else if( with_exgetline && gshCtx.GetLine != "" ){ //var xhix int64 = int64(hix); // cast newenv := os.Environ() newenv = append(newenv, "GSH_LINENO="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(hix),10) ) tty := ttyline(gshCtx) tty.WriteString(prevline) Pa := os.ProcAttr { "", // start dir newenv, //os.Environ(), []*os.File{os.Stdin,os.Stdout,os.Stderr,tty}, nil, } //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline=%s // %s\n",gsh_getlinev[0],gshCtx.GetLine) proc, err := os.StartProcess(gsh_getlinev[0],[]string{"getline","getline"},&Pa) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("--F-- getline process error (%v)\n",err) // for ; ; { } return "exit (getline program failed)" } //stat, err := proc.Wait() proc.Wait() buff := make([]byte,LINESIZE) count, err := tty.Read(buff) //_, err = tty.Read(buff) //fmt.Printf("--D-- getline (%d)\n",count) if err != nil { if ! (count == 0) { // && err.String() == "EOF" ) { fmt.Printf("--E-- getline error (%s)\n",err) } }else{ //fmt.Printf("--I-- getline OK \"%s\"\n",buff) } tty.Close() return string(buff[0:count]) }else{ // if isatty { fmt.Printf("!%d",hix) fmt.Print(PROMPT) // } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin,LINESIZE) line, _, _ := reader.ReadLine() return string(line) } } // // $USERHOME/.gsh/ // gsh-rc.txt, or gsh-configure.txt // gsh-history.txt // gsh-aliases.txt // should be conditional? // func gshSetupHomedir(gshCtx GshContext) (GshContext, bool) { homedir,found := userHomeDir() if !found { fmt.Printf("--E-- You have no UserHomeDir\n") return gshCtx, true } gshhome := homedir + "/" + GSH_HOME _, err2 := os.Stat(gshhome) if err2 != nil { err3 := os.Mkdir(gshhome,0700) if err3 != nil { fmt.Printf("--E-- Could not Create %s (%s)\n", gshhome,err3) return gshCtx, true } fmt.Printf("--I-- Created %s\n",gshhome) } gshCtx.GshHomeDir = gshhome return gshCtx, false } func setupGshContext()(GshContext,bool){ gshPA := syscall.ProcAttr { "", // the staring directory os.Environ(), // environ[] []uintptr{os.Stdin.Fd(),os.Stdout.Fd(),os.Stderr.Fd()}, nil, // OS specific } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() gshCtx := GshContext { cwd, // StartDir "", // GetLine []GChdirHistory { {cwd,time.Now()} }, // ChdirHistory gshPA, []GCommandHistory{}, //something for invokation? GCommandHistory{}, // CmdCurrent false, []int{}, syscall.Rusage{}, "", // GshHomeDir Ttyid(), false, []PluginInfo{}, } err := false gshCtx, err = gshSetupHomedir(gshCtx) return gshCtx, err } // Main loop func script(gshCtxGiven *GshContext) (_ GshContext) { gshCtx,err0 := setupGshContext() if err0 { return gshCtx; } //fmt.Printf("--I-- GSH_HOME=%s\n",gshCtx.GshHomeDir) //resmap() gsh_getlinev, with_exgetline := which("PATH",[]string{"which","gsh-getline","-s"}) if with_exgetline { gsh_getlinev[0] = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) gshCtx.GetLine = toFullpath(gsh_getlinev[0]) }else{ fmt.Printf("--W-- No gsh-getline found. Using internal getline.\n"); } ghist0 := gshCtx.CmdCurrent // something special, or gshrc script, or permanent history gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory,ghist0) prevline := "" skipping := false for hix := len(gshCtx.CommandHistory); ; { gline := getline(gshCtx,hix,skipping,with_exgetline,gsh_getlinev,prevline) if skipping { if strings.Index(gline,"fi") == 0 { fmt.Printf("fi\n"); skipping = false; }else{ //fmt.Printf("%s\n",gline); } continue } if strings.Index(gline,"if") == 0 { //fmt.Printf("--D-- if start: %s\n",gline); skipping = true; continue } gline = strsubst(&gshCtx,gline,true) /* // should be cared in substitution ? if 0 < len(gline) && gline[0] == '!' { xgline, set, err := searchHistory(gshCtx,gline) if err { continue } if set { // set the line in command line editor } gline = xgline } */ ghist := gshCtx.CmdCurrent ghist.WorkDir,_ = os.Getwd() ghist.StartAt = time.Now() rusagev1 := Getrusagev() gshCtx.CmdCurrent.FoundFile = []string{} xgshCtx, fin := tgshelll(gshCtx,gline) rusagev2 := Getrusagev() ghist.Rusagev = RusageSubv(rusagev2,rusagev1) gshCtx = xgshCtx ghist.EndAt = time.Now() ghist.CmdLine = gline ghist.FoundFile = gshCtx.CmdCurrent.FoundFile /* record it but not show in list by default if len(gline) == 0 { continue } if gline == "hi" || gline == "history" { // don't record it continue } */ gshCtx.CommandHistory = append(gshCtx.CommandHistory, ghist) if fin { break; } prevline = gline; hix++; } return gshCtx } func main() { argv := os.Args if 1 < len(argv) { if isin("version",argv){ Version(nil,argv) return } comx := isinX("-c",argv) if 0 < comx { gshCtx,err := setupGshContext() if !err { gshellv(gshCtx,argv[comx+1:]) } return } } script(nil) //gshCtx := script(nil) //gshelll(gshCtx,"time") } //
// - inter gsh communication, possibly running in remote hosts -- to be remote shell // - merged histories of multiple parallel gsh sessions // - alias as a function // - instant alias end environ export to the permanent > ~/.gsh/gsh-alias and gsh-environ // - retrieval PATH of files by its type // - gsh as an IME // - gsh a scheduler in precise time of within a millisecond // - all commands have its subucomand after "---" symbol // - filename expansion by "-find" command // - history of ext code and output of each commoand // - "script" output for each command by pty-tee or telnet-tee // - $BUILTIN command in PATH to show the priority // - "?" symbol in the command (not as in arguments) shows help request // - searching command with wild card like: which ssh-* // - longformat prompt after long idle time (should dismiss by BS) // - customizing by building plugin and dynamically linking it // - generating syntactic element like "if" by macro expansion (like CPP) >> alias // - "!" symbol should be used for negation, don't wast it just for job control // - don't put too long output to tty, record it into GSH_HOME/session-id/comand-id.log // - making canonical form of command at the start adding quatation or white spaces // - name(a,b,c) ... use "(" and ")" to show both delimiter and realm // - name? or name! might be useful // - htar format - packing directory contents into a single html file using data scheme //---END--- (^-^)/ITS more
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