What is DeleGate?
DeleGate is a multi-purpose application level gateway, or a proxy serverwhich runs on multiple platforms (Unix, Windows and MacOS X).DeleGate mediates communication of various protocols (HTTP, FTP,NNTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, Telnet, SOCKS, DNS, etc.),applying cache and conversion for mediated data,controlling access from clients and routing toward servers.It translates protocols between clients and servers,applying SSL(TLS) to arbitrary protocols,converting between IPv4 and IPv6,merging several servers into a single server view with aliasing and filtering.Born as a tiny proxy for Gopher in March 1994,it has steadily grown intoa general purpose proxy server.Besides being a proxy, DeleGate can be used as a simple origin serverfor some protocols (HTTP, FTP and NNTP).
The official site of DeleGate is now under reconstruction. This page contains only the copy of the licensing information.
DeleGate v9 from AIST
– License
– License in Japanese (日本語)
DeleGate v9, the last distribution by AIST is here
-> https://its-more.jp/delegate/ftp/pub/DeleGate/
This server is provided by ITS more Co., Ltd. owned by the author of DeleGate.
[2020-05-01] Info. delegate.org has moved to delegate9.org.
[2020-05-01] お知らせ. delegate.org は delegate9.org に移転しました。